1. I humbly request to use your platform to send this urgent message to everyone on this platform especially to the women. You see, I am not on the platform to judge anyone, but to tell anyone that will LISTEN. I am commissioned to share and NOT TO force it on anyone, but for those who will Listen and Repent. As we all know JESUS ISN’T COMING FOR THE CROWD BUT FOR THE FEW. JESUS ISN’T COMING FOR MANY, BUT THE FEW. JESUS ISN’T COMING FOR HALF-BAKED CHRISTIANS, BUT THOSE WHO WALK IN OBEDIENCE. JESUS ISN’T COMING FOR THE REBELLIOUS, BUT FOR THOSE WHO WALKED IN TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS .

    Dear readers and Christians. Hebrews 9:27 says “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” My brethren in the Lord; HOW PREPARED ARE YOU TO FACE THE JUDGMENT OF LORD? You see, when one takes his or her last breath here on earth THERE IS NO MERCY ON THE OTHER SIDE. Mercy is Now while you are still Alive. Please take what I am about to say very seriously and take it to heart and mind. Repent and Turn to Jesus, the author and finisher of our Faith. #AvoidHellFire

    My name is Esther, I hail from Ghana, West Africa with no trace of my lineage. I grew up in an orphanage. I was abused and made a vow never to serve my house-mother’ Jesus. Why? Because she attended church and yet was very evil to the core. Therefore at a tender age I said to myself never to serve her God/Jesus. Until one day, at age 14/15 a lady approached me and invited me to her church. I decided to follow her so she would stop bothering me. But the Lord turned it around and I became a Believer of Jesus Christ. My love for Christ increased and I told everyone at the orphanage about the Love I have found. Jesus was my everything, it didn’t stop there; I went to hospital, busses and on the streets to tell people about Jesus the Crucified.

    The Love I had for Christ continued. I love the Lord so much it became a lifestyle, I telling people about Jesus. The year 2005; The Lord was so good, He led my steps to the United States. In the States I became so much in love with Jesus and I kept telling people about Jesus; as a result, 2013 of March, I lost my job. I accepted the challenge and I began to witness to many Souls. By His grace, the Lord led my steps to preach the gospel in Sixteen States. I slept in my car for nearly three years. Things were tough, but it didn’t stop me from sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Besides my heart, mind and soul were made up to serve King Jesus no matter what came my way. People called me names, but it never moved me. My brethren, I Love the Lord with All My heart. To cut a long story short: with all these works any time the Lord appeared I was not raptured. In fact, I will see be people raptured and I will be left behind.

    This occurred several times: I prayed and the Lord been so good; who doesn’t want us to perish had mercy on me. December 2020, the Lord gave me a revelation since then there has been a total turn around. Every day, I am working towards the goal ahead of me that is Entering into the Kingdom of God without Spit or Blemish. Hmmm! For the first time; when the Lord raptured His people I was raptured/caught up to meet….

    My dear brethren! Scriptures are Real. His Word stands forever. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. His standards are the same. We are the ones that have changed the Standards Of The Lord. Jesus made it clear to us in Matthew 7:21 saying “… Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”

    I preached His Word, lived in my car for nearly three years, went to Sixteen States and preached Christ Crucified yet because of my disobedience to His Word I was not raptured. The Torment in Hell Fire is so Real and many Christians are there.

    These are the things that has led many believers in Lord to Hell Fire. The Torment that can never be quenched. The torment where the devil and its agents are tormenting both unbelievers and Christians.

    Today, there are many Evangelists, Pastors, Prophets, Teachers and Apostles who are being punished in Hell Fire by the devil and its agent. Avoid Hell @ all Cost.

    Brethren!!!!!!! It doesn’t matter how beautiful your voice is and sang in the choir. It doesn’t matter how many times you attended church service. It doesn’t matter how many times your preaching has turned lives around and has moved mountains. It doesn’t matter how Epic the worship song carries and has touched lives. It doesn’t matter how many times Souls have been saved, baptized or done countless crusades when we DISOBEY HIS WORD NONE CAN ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

    If you love the Lord keep His Commandments. Period!
    Today, the “modern” Christian woman and the so-called “emancipated” Christian woman walks around half-naked. Yet they want to be Raptured and spend eternity with Jesus. Who are you deceiving?
    With bended knees: WOMEN STAY AWAY FROM THIESE:
    – MAKEUP 💄
    – FAKE NAILS 💅
    – JEWELRY (Strange Apparels)
    – HALF-NAKE (deep cut dresses that exposes and accentuates the anatomy of her body

    If you D-E in the above mentioned YOU CANNOT ENTER HIS KINGDOM. Doom to you who fights your Maker. Does the Clay talk back to the Potter. What are you doing? What clumsy fingers?
    Please Reread Isaiah 45:9 “Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands? Repent from the above mentioned otherwise say bye, bye to Heaven.
    Men, my brethren! Are you guys ready to be raptured: then stay away from these:
    – Pornography
    – Masterbation
    – Lust of Women
    – Wearing tight jeans 👖, pants..
    – Jewelries
    – Bodycon T-Shirts
    – Earrings
    – Tattoos
    – Some cases dyed and braided hairs or dreadlocks.

    My dear brethren; walk in Truth, Holiness and Righteousness. Forgive and let go. It’s time WE STOP NURSING OUR WEAKNESSES AND CLAIMING “CHRISTIANITY IS IN THE HEART.”

    Jesus is coming sooner than we think. We shouldn’t attend church, read the Bible, do crusades preach on the streets and End up in Torment. We should All Avoid Hell Fire @ all Cost.

    I am Epitome Of Grace. Jesus gave me another chance to Repent. Today, the same chance has come to your doorstep. Those who will listened will be Saved. His mercy has reached you too. Jesus loves us so dearly and wishes that None Enters Hell Fire.

    Lastly, re-read Jude 1:23 and 1 Corinthians 1:18


  2. I noticed how someone amongst this man's escorts was holding him from d back as he walked in. Was it to prevent him falling down and die? Is it not better that this deceiver falls down and die? Yes, d Lord says He does not take pleasure in d death of a sinner. But methinks it is not in d death of this individual who must be helped from d back as they announce his entrance, and they call him His Eminence. These are devils, deceivers that sold themselves to confuse d people of d world, confuse d gpspel of salvation, replacing it with gospel of prosperity, gospel of miracles, etc. May God deliver His children not to fall under d seducing spirits behind this kind of man and his type.


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