A great battle is coming, and it’s called Armageddon. It will impact every person on the face of the earth. No one will escape.


  1. God's vengeance will be great on all this world and I can understand why, people are getting worse every day, not better. There is nobody to trust either, not a single person won't turn on you for their own survival.

  2. Spoiler Alert:

    Romans 11, James 1:1, Jeremiah 30:7, Daniel 12:1, Revelation 7:1-8, Chapter 11 makes it clear that ISRAEL will be the Tribulation saints. NOT "spiritual" Israel.

  3. When I think about Lenin… George Soros… Mike Bloomberg… Joy Behar…Gloria Allred.. and many more famous and ultra rich Jews who support LGBTQ, Woke Generation, baby killers and they all see themselves as gods, they will be the ones who will bring down America and the World into deception and into the NWO and the antichrist. For all their evil deeds, the forever Lake of Fire waits for them. God has given the Jews too many chances, since the days of Mose to do good and represent God. But they all failed miserably.

  4. I gotta be honest ever since covid hit i feel extremely unsettling around my mom. Ive never got along with her shes always been a very disgustingly vile woman but this is MUCH different as if I can actually feel her negative energy. It reminds me of the bible verse you'll know them by their fruits. But like I said I only started feeling uneasy around her ever since covid first hit. I just pray I dont have to share heaven with her as well.

  5. Armageddon will be the last and final war Jesus himself will be leading that war I think you need to go back into the book of Revelations because that is exactly what it says

  6. to be precise Beast is implement to earthly Nation or country of the world. but in the end world become one ruler one religion and one god.
    but before it the Beast is partial many nation. but even today we know in many nation. there is only one who take Big portion control and mostly ruled those other nation with their power and authority. that Beast is the USA-UN. and which we know this two following the head of the Beast (POPE)

  7. Sir can you explain what is that name of God Almighty given to an Angel who is the guide for his people Isralite? This name of God almighty was also given to true Messiah. John 5:43. Please explain
    Exodus 23:20-21
    [20]Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.
    [21]Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him.


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