The rapture is still a very popular doctrine preached around the world, but is there really such a thing as the rapture? Prophet …


  1. So thankful I came across Prophet Kobus van Rensburg on YouTube. He is answering so many questions I'v had about the "rapture doctrine" and many more teachings. What a blessing!!! Thank you!

  2. Without repentance we all perish Luke 13:3.
    To the abortionist idolaters and oppressor who don't have their prayers heard of by God nor there intercessors prayers are heard of by God for they never repented Jeremiah 7 tells us this.
    1 John 4 tells us that God is love and we must love others or we have no relationship with Christ.
    Mark 12:29-31 the Royal Supreme Command of Love.
    1 John 5:16 All sin is sin but there is a sin Unto death I'd have you not ask of this.
    Not abiding in love is the Sin Unto Death.
    The abortionist idolaters and oppressor, for the Lord told me to quit praying for my own sibling brother a Narcissist oppressor, Jeremiah 7 was all the Spirit would say for a reason why.
    I'm of the tribe of Simeon.

  3. Thanks for sharing! You are a blessing! Im praying for you and your family!!

    I am watching and expecting for the rapture/event to happen on Saturday, April 16th 2022 during Passover and the full pink moon, it will also be Resurrection Sunday/Easter on April 17th in the eastern side of the world.

    Right now Putin's heart is being hardened from all the hate from everyone on earth, he is like a modern day Pharaoh, this parallel's with the story of Passover where the Pharaoh's heart was hardened. I heard a few years ago that Russia will be the one to start global nuclear war.

    A few brothers and sisters have had dreams of Passover and rapture dreams with a pink moon. Sister Darla from "God's gifts" YT channel had a dream that "It was all over during Passover" and she said she had a dream where she woke up yelling "The 16th!!".
    I had a dream last year where I saw the date of the rapture engraved in a cement tombstone in Hebrew writing and all I could understand and remember was that the end date was the 16th of a month!

    And a brother from "The unleashing" YT channel had a dream that the rapture happened on a Saturday!

    I believe that 2022 (Up until May 14th 2022) is the year of the rapture because Israel is turning 74 years old on May 14th and the rapture must happen before then in order for the Fig Tree prophecy to be correct. And I believe God is waiting until the very last moment which is the last full moon before May 14th 2022.

    On my channel there WAS a video of a sister that had a very detailed vision of the rapture/event (Youtube deleted it), she says that the rapture/event will be a bright white light lasting a few minutes and we will be transformed into our heavenly glorified bodies and brought up to heaven.

    I give full glory to God/Jesus for this comment because I have been praying everyday for God/Jesus to reveal this information to me so that I can share it with everyone.

    "If God/Jesus is everything, then we must be inside God/Jesus, and God/Jesus must be inside us"

    We will not experience any pain during the rapture/event.

    See you in heaven!

    Pray and repent of your sins to God/Jesus, not to be saved, but to show respect to God/Jesus and strengthen your relationship.

    God/Jesus loves everyone of you like as if you were the only person in the entire universe!

    Share this message with your family and friends!

    God bless you and your family!


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