Welcome to DAY FOUR of this brand-new Morris Cerullo LORD TEACH US TO PRAY School of Ministry direct from the Morris …


  1. Thank you my sweet Jesus 🙏🏻 this teaching of our beloved papa morris is so powerful I can’t stop crying 😢my spirit rejoicing our lord Jesus behind my power 🙏🏻 thank you my savior Jesus 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💝

  2. Awesome prophetic message!Awesome power!Awesome anointing!We provide the vessel,God does the interceding for us,through us and in us,according to the will of God!
    Praise the Lord!

  3. Powerful message!Powerful question!Do we believe in Jesus?Are we willing to sacrifice all for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ?Do we believe in Jesus according to John chapter 1?Do we believe in Jesus and trust Him enough to surrender all so He can take control over our lives,over our wills,over our future and tell HIm,be it unto me even as thou has spoken it?Do we believe in Jesus enough to turn our future,our natural mind,our wills,our passions our desires our entire beings and everything we possess in the natural and turn our wills over to the will of God and let Him take control?Are we ready to turn our will over to the will of God to let Him take complete control?Do we loveJesus enough to be willing to sacrifice and die to our fleshly desires and everything we possess in the natural and turn it over to Him?Do we believe in Jesus and trust Him unconditionally regardless of our natural circumstances?Do we love and believe the word of God and the message of Jesus Christ enough to change our lives our habits our passions our daily routines our hobbies so He can transform us and conform us into His image to receive His Love His joy His peace His Faith so we can receive His supernatural passion and hunger for Souls?It all depends on how far do we want to go?


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