please like, share, comment and SUBSCRIBE This is a cut out clip from the sermon “Mysteries of the kingdom” To download this …


  1. 16 minutes, not ONE verse of scripture cited, just name dropping of several folks many dead and some alive, rolling over pictures of dead and living ministers…, some even rank heretics and excitement over precisely what? This is still Christianity? Lord have mercy.

  2. Growing up i had never really listened to his preaching. The day I listened to him some few months back, I was awed by the level of his preaching. The man had the word and his faith was on another level. May his soul continue to rest in peace. Amen

  3. These are the types of messages that lead men into human worship. Who are God's generals? Are we not all soldiers for Christ? We gave the ranks? We are all anointed. We're kings and priests. No man should deceive you that another man is more anointed than you are. I'm so angry right now. The new covenant sets us free. Heb8:10-11 But this is the new covenant I will make 10
    with the people of Israel on that day,
    says the LORD:
    I will put my laws in their minds,
    and I will write them on their hearts.
    I will be their God,
    and they will be my people.
    And they will not need to teach their
    nor will they need to teach their
    relatives,[ d]
    saying, ‘You should know the LORD.’
    For everyone, from the least to the greatest,
    will know me already.

  4. Thank you man of God for the mindset you have. The mindsets we have an Nigerians is something that needs reorientation.

    I love the part where you said… "when you notice a weakness in a man of God, pray for him and celebrate the grace of God in his life."

  5. Thank you man of God for the mindset you have. The mindsets we have an Nigerians is something that needs reorientation.

    I love the part where you said… "when you notice a weakness in a man of God, pray for him and celebrate the grace of God in his life."

  6. People like you who will see the wrong & close ur eyes are the major problem that Christianity is faced with today, apostle Paul withstood Peter who by all means should be his senior but in ur own case you cover everything & even support their wrong doing cos you are looking for favor and connection from them.


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