RCCG Champions Cathedral. 7 Days Of Glory || Theme: Supernatural – Day 4. 23/06/2022. Live He sustains the burden to have …


  1. If someone says prayer helps people get healthy, then there is a clear methodology to test this (double blind tests with statistically large samples, have been been done. The conclusion: prayer doesn’t work). If someone says a ghost makes noises in their house, then that noise is recordable, and the house itself testable: it may be old and creaky, or has pipes which thermally disturb the wood, or has rats in the walls. Creationists say the world is 6000 years old. We know this can be tested, literally thousands of ways. The conclusion: well, you know the conclusion. Let me be clear: if you say there is a cause for an event, then there is a way to test that cause. It may not be easy, and it may involve elimination (like destroying the Moon Hoax arguments one by one until the only viable conclusion left is that we did indeed go to the Moon). The only claims I can think of that cannot be tested are solipsism (which to me is an interesting idea to toy with, but an intellectual dead end since it tells you nothing) and the actual existence of God. For the latter, I say that it may not be possible to test for the existence of God, but people do make claims about what God has done. If those claims are true, then they can be tested. Anything that has a physical, measurable manifestation is within the realm of science. Which leaves me to say the thing I have said so many times, but which so many people don’t seem to want to understand: there is no such thing as the supernatural. If something exists, then it is real, and it is natural.

  2. I connect to this alter in the name of a Jesus. I receive all the ordinance from my Lord in Jesus name and activation and a charge in the Spirit. 🔥 I receive my inheritance from heaven. "SEALED" "What is sealed?" I said. HE said " YOUR INHERITANCE" I receive my blessings NOW, in the NAME of JESUS. I receive my riches from heaven and for Him to provide for ALL my needs. Financial stagnation gone in my life & bloodline NOW in JESUS NAME!!! THANK YOU LORD 🙏 💗🙌

  3. I think apostle are ministers not a chorister, I may be wrong but the purpose of church is to preach the good news, it's better to teach than to prophesy and sing song. thanks

  4. I have listened to many men of God, but I am amazed at the level of revelation this young man walks in. His messages takes days to digest and even then, you're still constipated afterwards.

  5. OK Apostle.. WHAT A SERMON!
    HOT! HOT! HOT! AWESOME!! We gotta LIVE THE WORD!!! And Apply it to our Daily Lives! Let the Word SHAPE Us, STRETCH Us And CARRY Us!..
    * Their LIPS Proclaim Me.. But their HEARTS are NOT for me!
    * Years ago, a friend was going to take this Tchrs Exam, she said "I Already fail this Exam! " So WHY bother to go take the exam if U Already Pronounced that you FAILED It??? Crazy!
    * As a man Thinketh in his heart…..
    So Is he.
    * We NEED Some Of This In Brooklyn, NY! Hot Hot Hot!!! CONTAGIOUS!
    . Brooklyn Teacher, Trini to the Bone.
    . Trinidad Born… lol

  6. Lord Jesus thank you for the sons of God that are the handiwork of God through you Christ Jesus! Aps. Michael Orokpo is truly a blessing to humanity…continue to pour down ur blessings that flow from the heavenlies upon his life


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