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  1. Notes:
    Truth is not in a vacuum, 1 Corinthians 15:45, the context here is resurrection, truth is always found in an certain context, what exactly is the meaning of this verse? When project man is inaugurated, the persons of the Godhead came together to make man in their own image, and after their own likeness. Genesis 1- it was the father’s responsibility to make man, there was a creation aspect, and there is a formation aspect, Jehovah Elohim – incarnate name of Christ, man became a living soul. Intelligence rooted in his soul in Adam, project man was hiijacked before the Holy Spirit could do his own bid, and now when we gave our life to Christ, the Holy Spirit is the first person to do his bid, grace is the element of God that swallows man’s insufficiencies. The first Adam- he was a LIVING SOUL. The context of this scripture is the resurrection, every text in the bible exists in a habitat, in an ecosystem. Last Adam- went into incarnation, divinity came into humanity, we can only understand this by faith. Incarnation is the first “becoming” of the Christ, the agency of the becoming was a natural birth process, but Christ also has a second becoming, which is the resurrection. When you establish the mind of God, we should not discard any other truth in the bible in the same frequency. If confession of sin not a part of priesthood- there should be no trespass offering, there is allowance in the growth process, when you are growing, you will no longer make the mistakes you made before, when you enter maturity, God can even use your handshake to speak to that person, anything that doesn’t have any form of regulation, you may step into “questionable” dimensions, the last Adam was made a quickening spirit by resurrection. (Maturity brings balance.)
    2 Corinthians 3:12
    Moses began to glow when he came down from the mountain top, Moses had the ability to glow, and God said he will raise a prophet unto him, Stephan glowed as he was stoned, when Jesus decided to glow, he was in a mountain top, only few witnessed it, the way resurrection will be known is through us.
    If the children of Israel did not cover the face of Moses, the glory on the face of Moses would diminish, the veil resisted them from being able to discern the Christ.
    This “now” speaks of the resurrection,when Paul says “now”- he means germination, wherever the spirit of the Lord is -is access.
    John 14- introduction of a new concept which is the Holy Spirit
    John 14:15- if you love me- keep my commandments and I will pray the father, and he shall give you a comforter.
    Salvation is in two dimensions, the judicial and the organic part, there is a renewing and a sanctification that comes on your inside.
    Organic salvation – purging and saturated us with himself so that he can change the scope of our desires and make us a new creation experientially!
    Grace of God – conforming us into the image of Christ
    Renewing, transformation and glorification- glorification is seen in the example of Jesus Christ. Jesus is declaring a new regime that is about to take place. John 14- the lecture hasn’t changed but the lecturer has changed. The approach is different… hmmmm Jesus is a comforter, the Holy Spirit is an another comforter, Jesus became that quickening spirit to have that modification to be able to dwell in us- he became the quickening spirit in resurrection, we relate with the quickening spirit like we relate with the resurrection.
    Romans 5: judicial perspective of salvation, gives us the justice system of heaven, the shape is that, when man causes a problem, it is an man that gives an solution, if it is an angel that causes the problem , it is an angel that can solve the problem, and that is why God had to become man because no man qualify .
    God’s idea of the kind of life he wants us to live is a life that is quickened by the spirit of God, (romans chapter 6 verse 1-4)
    Being alive unto God is the first dimension of the quickening spirit. The proof of life is consciousness. The Holy Spirit quickens the consciousness of the realm of God into your heart, part of our labor as a christian is this our consciousness to be the perception in which we operate with in life
    direction, wisdom, inputs from the realm of God come through that consciousness
    That our consciousness should become our wisdom, strategy and perception .
    1. Perception
    Next realm
    2. Discernment
    Next realm
    3. Understanding
    John chapter 3
    Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. The first thing the quickening spirit does to your vessel is to make you alive to the realm of God. A SIM card gives you a reading of the level of network you have, the same with the Holy Spirit.
    There is a consciousness he brings…. A displeasure he registers when you lie,
    At first it is cognitive, then you get to a quickening point where you are able to hear his voice, john 6:63 the spirit of God needs to quicken you for you to be able to hear God’s voice. Hmmm…
    Apostle arome osayi quickened to a level to receive a certain dimension of perception. Pray in tongues for 1 year with fasting so that you may know your direction in life, getting divine direction is difficult, God gives wisdom, to a person who has no OTHER OPTION!!!!!! Divine direction is not a common place. Your future exists, everybody knows it in heaven, but you don’t know it because you don’t travel to it, keep travel into it, 2 hrs? No problem, we continue, why? Because we have NO OTHER OPTION. Some people may go to the UK… time for us has come to walk in wisdom.
    When you have discernment- satan cannot manipulate you!!!
    There is a realm in which he will quicken your mind to think the thoughts of GOD
    Only the quickening spirit can make you see beyond the natural.
    Apostle Paul was deceived… may the power of revelation be activated in your life !


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