In this video we feature Apostle Joshua Selman alongside Pastor Chris Oyakhilome & Prophet Uebert Angel as they speak …


  1. Thank you our spiritual grandfather, thank you heavenly father for the revelation,my God have mercy on us we pray in Jesus mighty name 🙏🙏🙏

  2. Trumpet sound blown means Pestilences(corona) takes place, hour of temptation. It also indicates that we are in the last days.
    Rev 3:10
    2Tim 3:1

    The First Trumpet sound is from, within 1 year,
    23/08/2019 to 23/08/2020
    The Second Trumpet sound is from, within 1 year,
    23/08/2020 to 23/08/2021
    The Third Trumpet sound is from, within 1 year,
    23/08/2021 to 23/08/2022
    The Fourth Trumpet sound is from, within 1 year,
    23/08/2022 to 23/08/2023
    The Fifth Trumpet sound is from, within 1 year,
    23/08/2023 to 23/08/2024
    The Sixth Trumpet sound is from, within 1 year,
    23/08/2024 to 23/08/2025
    The Seventh Trumpet sound is from, within 1 year,
    23/08/2025 to 23/08/2026.
    When the Seventh Trumpet sound blown then right after Rapture of Jesus Christ takes place.

    Matt 24:8, Amos 3:7, John 16:13, Matt 10:26.

    Rev 6:2-8,
    1. White Horse:
    Pestilences (Corona
    2. Red Horse: War
    3. Black Horse: Famine
    4. Pale Horse: Sudden

    1. As according to 2Thess 2:1-3,
    The reign of anti christ(Bill Gates III) will be on 22/02/2023 to 22/08/2026 (before Rapture), i.e., The First Three & half years.
    2. The Mark of the beast will be implement on the Year 2025.
    3. The Rapture of Jesus Christ will be on 23/08/2026 (12:00am to 12:01am, IST).
    Question: How we know the Rapture?
    Ans: 1Thess 5:4, (Because we are Lights).

    1 Thessalonians 5: 4
    But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

    1 Thessalonians 5: 5
    Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

    Apostle. Rev. Dr. P. Timothy John
    (Professor of Eschatology & Paranormal Activity Expert).

  3. Read the Grail Message, In The Light Of Truth, written by Abd Ru Shin. That way u free yourselves from all these trash speculations. There, your eyes will open and you will fix it towards the Light and leave crypto currency alone. The block chain is an evidence of a continuous technological evolution. The number 666 is of a much deeper significance than all the theological interpretation it has hitherto received. Read the Grail Message and stop all this intellectual groping. The earliest sword thrusts of Divine judgement have begun to issue. Reflect deeply and quietly about the coming of The Son Of Man

  4. All bullshit my man. The world is not ending. We are slowly attaining the peak of this cyclic civilization before the world is reset to start again. There's no such thing as rapture. Funny enough, you won't even be alive to see that your so called dreaded rapture didn't happen

  5. The only person who will not be raptured, is that who refuses to believe that that Jesus is God and he died to take away his sins, to become a new creation in Christ.
    Anyone who believes in his heart that Jesus died to take away his sins and confess with his mouth that Jesus is lord is rapturable, because that person is a child of light and not of darkness.

  6. I can't believe I used to believe these nonsense when I used to be a believer. Truly Religion makes people stupid. Like how can someone in their right minds make sense of this foolishness 😂.

  7. LORD COVER MY HEART, MOND, SOUL AND EMOTIONS. ..HAVE MERCY 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  8. Yeshúa will not come until certain things happens… Christ is not coming anytime, but after some signs are fullfilled…antichrist, third temple, great tribulation and persecusion, etc…

  9. These nonsense of Christians fighting each other should come to an end because the devil loves it when the Body of Christ is divided. Wake up christians, you are confused and GOD is not the author of confusion.

  10. These are not lettered enough. They just speak without any proof of what they're talking or made any research. They believe that their followers will believe every shit they spew. This the reason I don't listen to them. Their rise fame is questionable bcoz they can't manage fame just bcoz people watch them on television or come to their ministry doesn't make God mouthpiece. They've been radicalised by the far right evangelicals they affiliate with. My last word is how many of these conspiracy theories have come to past?

  11. Yes our Lord is coming back very soon. This is not a joking matter. Two or three days ago i was asked in the dream where do you want to end your life my Reply was in the house of God.

  12. It's very unfortunate that this channel is bent on mixing things up.
    You've got to separate men of God from false prophets and soothsayers operating with the spirit of divination. They are not the same and can never be the same.

  13. Heaven is a real and hell is real, the Bible would be most needed after the rapture, repent today and now, come to think of it, what the Bible says is happening in our midst and still people aren't SCARED. GOD IS SEATED IN HEAVEN AND HIS SON JESUS CHRIST IS AT HIS RIGHT HAND FOREVER MORE. Pursue your salvation with FEAR AND TREMBLING according to the Bible.


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