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  1. My Notes ( in case anyone needs it for study):*APOSTLE AROME OSAYI || THE UNCTION FROM THE HOLY ONE || RCN TEXAS || 25TH AUGUST 2024*


    The sermon, delivered by Apostle Arome Osayi, centres on the theme of headship and the vital importance of allowing Christ to exercise His authority over every aspect of our lives. The Apostle emphasises that while many believers seek the blessings and favour of Christ, they often resist His lordship and governance. The sermon also highlights the significance of dedicating our lives and those of our children to God from an early age to ensure they grow under divine guidance.


    The sermon was delivered at RCN Texas on 25th August 2024. It was part of a service that included various community activities, regular meetings, Bible studies, and prayer vigils. The Apostle uses the metaphor of Christ seeking a place to lay His head to illustrate the need for individuals, homes, and churches to fully submit to Christ’s authority.

    Key Teachings

    – Christ’s Headship: The central message of the sermon focuses on the *headship of Christ*. Apostle Arome emphasises that Christ is seeking a "place to lay His head," symbolising His desire to govern our lives completely. This requires believers to surrender every area of their lives to Him, not just their worship but also their daily decisions and actions.
    – Dangers of Self-Centredness: The sermon warns against the dangers of self-centredness, which directly opposes the lordship of Jesus. The Apostle explains that self-centredness is a form of rebellion that prevents Christ from exercising His headship.
    – Importance of Dedication: The sermon underscores the importance of dedicating children to God, using the example of Jesus’ dedication in the temple. The act of dedication ensures that the child grows under divine guidance, making it easier for them to choose Jesus when they reach the age of accountability.
    – Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance: The Apostle discusses the reality of spiritual warfare, particularly in the context of dedications that happen outside of Christ’s authority. He highlights the need for deliverance from any spiritual influences that are not aligned with God.

    Scriptural References

    – Matthew 8:18-20: Jesus’ statement about having no place to lay His head is used to explain the significance of finding a body of believers over which He can exercise His headship.
    – Isaiah 14:12-14: The fall of Lucifer is referenced to illustrate the dangers of pride and self-centredness, which oppose God’s authority.
    – Acts 9: The Apostle reflects on the mystical body of Christ, as revealed to Paul on the road to Damascus, and its connection to Christ’s headship.

    Reflection Points

    – Have you allowed Christ to fully govern every aspect of your life, or are there areas where you resist His authority?
    – What practical steps can you take to ensure that your home or church is a place where Christ can lay His head?
    – How do you balance receiving God’s blessings with submitting to His lordship?

    Practical Takeaway

    Commit to daily surrendering your decisions, actions, and plans to Christ. Let His headship guide every aspect of your life, from your work to your relationships. Reflect on any areas of your life where you may be resisting His authority and seek to bring those areas under His control.

    Main Prayer Point

    Pray for the grace to fully submit to Christ’s headship in every area of your life. Ask for strength to overcome self-centredness and to live a life that is entirely governed by God’s will.


    The sermon concludes with a strong call for believers to examine their lives and ensure they are living under the headship of Christ. It also encourages the congregation to actively participate in church activities and to dedicate their lives and families to God.


    "Lord, we surrender to Your headship today. Help us to remove all self-centredness and allow Your authority to guide every aspect of our lives. May our homes and churches be places where You find rest, and may our lives reflect Your will and purpose. In Jesus’ name, Amen."

  2. Let's pray for apostle arome Osayi, as he changes the landscape for ministry, the devil is not at peace and wants to fight him. May the Lord keep Apostle Arome for our generation and we young ministers are yet to receive the fullness of his teaching

  3. Lucifer's name in Hebrew is Helel. Lucifer is a transliteration and so the Apostle was in error when he said that the names of the other angels had "El" in them but Lucifer's name didn't.
    This is a correction in love.


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