We are an interdenominational and non-denominational international Ministry to the body of Christ with the mandate of restoring …


  1. I strongly believe that this ministry is playing a capital role in this end times and should be online for all of us to access. I was so blessed in my little apartment in Seattle, that river was so tangible, Glory be to the name of the Lord and may he bless his servant 🙏
    Please provide schedule and date for CA, I heard he is coming over west coast

  2. 7 dimensions;
    1.Light -2cor4:6 ,light out of darkness. Light does not shine without his command (light is that which makes manifest).
    Dan5:11 … Daniels cv -had the H.ghost, full of light,wisdom, and he could decode every mystery (understanding)
    Acts 16:18
    Ephe1:16-19 Eyes of understanding be flooded with light. No revelation without light
    2. Holiness

  3. Hallelujah I was here yesterday and my life was changed! I have been praying for 4 years for the Lord to bring apostle Arome to the USA and now my eyes have seen the glory of God and his mercy towards the USA. I live 3 hrs away from Houston but am moving here soon by the grace of God! God has revived my soul, my gifts and my fire! My eyes have opened. I have not prophesied in many years and today driving home I was deep in intercession, diverse tongues with interpretation, and deep prophecy . Things my eyes could not see are being revealed! The Lord is our shield and has shown the USA mercy. Hallelujah to his great and merciful name! Thank you apostle Arome for your divine obedience ! We honor you in America and in Texas! May God bless you , your family and your ministry even more ! I will no longer say that our hope has dried up! The Lord is reviving the dead bones and I will no longer say that my story has ended for God is re writing my story and it's only the beginning. I would cry out to God and say" what can you do with these dead bones!! " Now I know he will revive us and our nation!! Great is the Lords mercy towards us! Hallelujah!!


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