We are an interdenominational and non-denominational international Ministry to the body of Christ with the mandate of restoring …


  1. I came in during the hour of impartation via online viewing and to the glory of God, I received the activation of spiritual sight and healing. I felt the tangible power of God flow through my hands. Glory be to God. I know that by God, the first miracle healing would be the healing of lupus.

  2. I was blessed to attend one of Apostle Arome teachings at a church 2 hrs away from my hometown.. and it was a very quiet service.. different from what I’m used to. So of course I reading the room. So I Held back my bursts of AMEN, HALLELUJAH, GLORY , I RECEIVE, COM’ON SOMEBODY!!! 🙌🏼🙋‍♀️moving forward I know its allowed.🔥🔥🔥


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