We are an interdenominational and non-denominational international Ministry to the body of Christ with the mandate of restoring …


  1. I think the Questions and answeres and discussion to some extent at a ministers conference between the Apostle and ministers of the Word by Gods Grace is good.

  2. Peter revealed Jesus as Christ, the son of the living God. He is the theater through which God finds expression. Jesus is the brightness of the glory of God. Jesus is an object teacher. He uses metaphors and parables alot. If we build according to pattern the gates of hell shall not prevail against your church. If you don t build according to pattern you will be raining synagogue of Satan.

  3. A man who has not mastered and gained victory over immorality has no business in the pulpit. If your church belongs to Christ, you must build according to pattern, according to specifications. The expectations people have on you must be higher than that of the politicians. You must be sexually clean as a minister of God. You must have standards. People operating in illegally don't care for standards because of the profiting from his falsehood.


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