We are an interdenominational and non-denominational international Ministry to the body of Christ with the mandate of restoring …


  1. Dear Lord, I come to you today as a single mother in need of your guidance and support both of my sons are special needs. I ask that you provide me with the right decisions for my children, and the courage to face each day with optimism. I also ask for your help in providing for my children financially, so that they may have all they need. Lord as I struggle each month to pay rent and as I struggle to buy groceries I pray that you will give me the strength to be the best mother I can be. With your help Heavenly Father I can overcome anything including my heart disease and lupus. ❀

  2. Am here to testify of the goodness of the lord as the prayers continued last night I started hearing something nocking my door at a point I switched on corridor's light to scare whatever it was coz I thought it was a living thing trying to enter my house then i switch off the light and i went to bed after the service ended. In the morning today the 13th day of prayer and fasting, i opened the door and found a dead frog with alot of blood near the door. Since I moved to my house 10 years ago I have never found anything inside there. And that is why i knew it was spiritual. The intense prayers we prayed last night were answered instantly. I believe I am set free from evil altars, evil smell and the scourge of the tongue.
    May the name of the lord be glorified.

  3. Thankyou Father GOD for this anointed session and life changing prayers!
    Every negative altar in my life, family and marriage is shut up and cut off forever, by the Blood and in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ my Lord!


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