We are an interdenominational and non-denominational international Ministry to the body of Christ with the mandate of restoring …


  1. The way to contend in the battle of alters is that you must raise an alter of righteousness and subscribe to higher levels of consecration to secure victory πŸ™Œ we bless the lord for this truth πŸ™πŸ’―

  2. If the guys over there in charge of posting the messages to telegram could upload the services on time, it would be appreciated so some who cannot stream don't lag behind.😊

  3. I can testify that what Apostle is preaching here is the truth. Its exactly what the Holy Spirit has been teaching me. Altar vs altar. Ohhh how I didn't want this message to end. God bless you Apostle and yhe whole RCN network. Shalom

  4. Lord have mercy on me and wash me from all uncleanness with the blood of Jesus. Please, grant me the grace to stand before you in righteousness all the days of my life so that I can attend to the Altar of righteousness before you!

    Mercy Oh Lord. Wash me, cleanse me Jesus. Purify my life! I receive grace to attend to the Altar of righteousness all the days of my life in Jesus name. Amen.


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