Pastor Greg and Pastor Jason shares on how to prepare to answer difficult questions from nonbelievers. When Christians live out …


  1. We hope you have been blessed by this video. Please take a moment to subscribe and share it with a friend! Tune in live here on YouTube every Sunday and Thursday for more messages of hope and encouragement from Pastor Greg Laurie!

  2. It is just unbelievable what comes out of your mouths, but you are saying nothing and explaining nothing. Little children and babies are suffering tremendously in the world, i.e. babies born with cancer, leukemia, MS, and those babies and children killed in hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods, while at the same time you think this god is "blessing" you. How awful! This is even not to mention that god watches while little children are raped and murdered, while you think he is intervening in your lives and helping you out with your daily needs, etc. I am a mere human, but if I saw a child being raped, I certainly absolutely would try to help them out, but this god you worship just watches; that is a sick god. Saying you are "blessed" makes you look like a hypocrite to others.

  3. I want more of this. There are so many questions my atheist boyfriend asks me that I don't feel I have an adequate answer to. And one day my kids will ask me these questions too. I need to definitely read my Bible and listen to someone who can break it down for me truthfully

  4. Thank you for admitting that even the worst sin of believing but doing little to nothing for God and not repenting of all your bad sins still can't out way the blood, you are saved even if you continue to sin and fall into shame.

  5. Wait a minute just after the 32 mark guy in the middle said that the father is the creator but I recall scripture saying Jesus is the creator of everything that was made.

  6. I just saw another Christian preacher who said the opposite of what is being said here. He quoted bible passages to justify using forceful anger in attempts to convince non believers that Christian beliefs are valid. It’s a truism that all points of view on any subject can be argued with multiple bible quotes. So, what’s the point of a Christian philosophy for living when there is no consistency in the belief system?

  7. The gospels are anonymous and date to well after Jesus’ life. We have no way of knowing what Jesus said or did. Every fact within has to be taken solely on faith for belief

  8. A good way to introduce the 3 in one trinity i found this , so you have water, you have ice, you have steam. ,all take on a different form but in the end its all the same water

  9. I'm sorry, but those are bush league questions and answers. My questions have sidelined seasoned Bible scholars and left them with no answers. There are some very core and important questions that cannot be answered. Also, to say the Bible hasn't changed ignores what happened to the book at the Council of Nicea and the entire protestant reformation.

  10. Early this morning, the Lord woke me up and the first thing I saw was a RED BUTTON and it wanted to be pressed and GO OFF! So, here I am, Tongue of the Learned because Brother Jesse has had enough and wants to GO ON! As well.

  11. Bottom Line: Joseph, Coat of Many Colors here, had $400 in her pocket and still Favor Galore, when Her Father said..Its time to go into the Pit…so she did. And NOW i.e. Ezekiel 12:21-28…it's TIME to go into the Palace.

  12. HE wants me to start with my house/home in Blowing Rock NC very convenient for me as I have tons still to do here before I get on that train and go to CA with a few stops on the way.

  13. God Bless You all. All Glory Honor Praise Worship and Thanksgiving to God have a great rest of your week and week to come. I declare miracles blessings and healing over your lives in Jesus name. Amen

  14. So the first thing he says is if anyone asks you why you believe what you believe, they are really just trying to get you to go away. In other words, the questions aren’t honest, and they don’t really even care what you’re saying.

    So why, exactly, should people go out and preach the gospel if every person who asks a question is dishonest? I can’t think of a more pointless way to spend your time.

  15. ..those early Greek/Roman historians are not evidence of the historic existence of Jesus, they do not speak of him, but of the faith which existed at the time of writing.. the faith existed, but almost certainly, the man did not.. there really is no good reason to believe in Moses Jealous God, or his supposed son, Jesus.. no good reason to believe in angels or divine revelation.. these young pastors do not anwer any questions, they just waffle..

  16. My mother used to say two things to me all the time…"You were born under a lucky star!" AND " You wake up in a new world everyday"…oh yes and "What an imagination you have…" If she were here…ya'll would choose her hands down…

  17. Atheists don't ask questions of believers to make them "go away". I am not sure where this idea might come from. If anything, as a non-believer, I am looking to have even more interactions with Christians, and ask even more questions. The questions are not to make you "go away" – they are to make you think about what it is you're pushing forth as "truth" and examine the foundations of such "truth" when you can't reconcile certain pieces with reality. That/s what it's about. So yes… bring it to me, unless, like this man appears to, you fear the questions. And please… feel free to ask me any question you have. Any at all. You can be guaranteed I will not shy away, nor will I ever be trying to make you "go away."

  18. Wow, the answers given are so bad and yet people in the comments are amazed at how great the video is.

    There is evil because god is patient
    This is such a non answer. If there is a loving god there shouldn't have been evil from the very beginning. He had no reason to create it if it was the case. What is he waiting for and why?

    If god doesn't exist you can not claim anything to be evil
    You're arguing definition here. Even if we agreed that we can not qualify those things as evil if there is no god, they still qualify as evil if there is a god. You can try to argue weither or not they are evil but you can not argue that god is loving.
    the bible has never changed
    Oh, so you're telling me there only one version of the bible? So the ASV and the KJB are the same thing? Why have 2 different names if they are the same thing?
    You also seem to forget about the lost gospels and the like that were discarded just because people didn't like them.
    If you tell me "they were never really part of the bible" then how do you know what is the actual bible? Maybe there is still stuff in the bible right now that shouldn't be in it or things that are missing.

    God had no beginning no end
    The question about who created god is about knowing how you determined the first cause. It's about special pleading. If there is such a thing as a first cause you have no way to tell what it was. I don't really like that question myself as it only open the door to stupid answers like this because you guys don't understand what we mean by it. The answer I usually see in these scenarios is whataboutism. "Well you guys believe that nothing created everything". First, that's not true. We don't have a belief about this, the answer that is given pretty much 99% of the time is "I don't know". Second, yourself are saying nothing created god, why can't we say nothing created everything?

    Our religion is the right one because Jesus said so
    Again, not answering the question. Every religion has the same answer. My holy book say so. If your answer can be used to justify another religion then you haven't answered the question and you just demonstrated why the question is asked in the first place. It's an answer that better demonstrate that is not true.

    I think this is just how truth is by nature
    No, that is not truth. Truth is singular. If we go with the way you describe truth then there are multiple truth: the muslim truth, the christian truth, the atheist truth, etc… What you think is true and what is actually true are two different things. You think that since you think something to be true it count as being truth and you are wrong.

    *christiany is easily falsifiable, you just had to find the body 3 days later"
    🤦‍♂First start by demonstrating that anything in the bible actually happened…. The bible is not the evidence it's the claim. As for falsifying the bible it pretty much has been done many times but you will never acknowledge any of it. You'll dismiss it because "99.9999% is not 100%" which I don't completely disagree with but it at least mean that until you can demonstrate it to be true it make more sense to consider it to be false.

    religions are like dollar bills
    The analogy is flawed in various way. I'll go with the easy one because I don,t want to waste much more time on this: Even if I grant you that it is the case and that at least 1 religion is true, you're not closer at all to demonstrate that it is your. If anything, if that analogy would correlate properly then it would demonstrate that christianity is NOT true as it is no the first religion and therefore count as "counterfeit".

    Jesus is true because multiple sources
    Like I stated previously, some of those source have been discarded. So this mean some stories about him are considered false. Therefore all of them potentially could be false.
    We even know some of these manuscripts shared the same source or were based on each others­. Which mean we can't really consider to be independent sources.
    All this mean is that many people believed it to be true. The same argument can be made to prove the existence of spiderman.


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