Clipped from Kenneth E Hagin WBS 1997 022197.


  1. Amen! My wife and have this happen to us nearly every night at home during praise and worship. We keep getting filled and healed supernaturally. We keep on having our hearts opened up wide for the Holy Spirit to enter into us and fill us with joy unspeakable fill of glory and this is not confusion or chaos. Anyone who experiences this touch has their minds made perfectly clear to hear the Lord and to be called to be soul winning evangelists. We never saw a video like this or had it happen at church. It started happening to us all alone praying. We knew it was God. He makes sure you know it is him when he does this to anyone. This is being born again as we get baptized by fire. He cured our anxiety and we no longer get angry or upset with people or each other. Jesus manifests in us and we love people like Jesus loves them. All people all the time. We are seeing people healed and saved every single day! God is doing this not us!

  2. Just give me a few Bible verses and explanation for this please,but nothing wrong with being and experiencing joy im anointing yes,but no joy,and infection in ear, please pray for me,be blessed Amen πŸ€—πŸ™β€οΈ


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