Angelic Vision Changes Young Man's Life | Testimony | 700 Club Interactive

Due to cruelty from church leaders, Coery Thomas saw God’s love as unattainable – until messengers, both divine and human, taught Him God loved him all along.


  1. it doesn't matter what colour we are we are from God loves us Jesus loves us so very much we must come to know Jesus Christ and have a personal relationship with him because he is the way the truth and the life Jesus did say that he said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me and Jesus said unless a man is born again he cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven this man shares his testimony I feel good and ill great Jesus's god is always with us he said that he would never leave us he is with us to the end but my brothers and sisters in Christ repent a spread the good news of Jesus Christ and tell them and bring as many as Souls to Jesus Christ we must go out there is shout out to Jesus Christ today

  2. The first thing Jesus did for me was to heal my body, even before I became a Christian. Long story short: it is the work of the Holy Spirit that my faith has survived everything with "christians". I have leaned on my own relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Hold fast and remember what Jesus has done in your life, big and small; doing that he will do more. Don't lean on people for approval, fix your eyes on Jesus.

  3. All I can say is THANK GOD you realized they were wrong! God loved you as you were. So sorry you went through that! You’ll be the one to help ALL of the people who have also been taught LIES! God has his hand on you, always has and always will! 🙏🏻

  4. Cory there's a lot of people feeling like you!. Pray for release of the holy spirit to fill them too so theres a new song of rap of different cultures..

  5. Praise God! Thank you brother! Your testimony brought me closer to God, I also had to hand over the spirit of rejection to God…. and he took it on his Cross!


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