Over 6500 Hymns! Apparently that’s how many Hymns Charles Wesley wrote. This is only our 23rd hymn, and we hope it is a …


  1. A marvelous classic that will never, ever become old but fresh & real! Our "founding fathers" gave us absolute truths in verse to ground our faith! Thank You Lord for the members of Your body that have & are announcing Your truths in song/ hymns for our joy/enjoyment!

  2. Missing verse – 

    Still the small inward voice I hear
    That whispers all my sins forgiven.
    Still the atoning blood is near
    That keeps me clean, and fit for heaven.
    I feel the life His wounds impart,
    I feel my Saviour in my heart.

    This is verse 5 of 6. Verse 6 being – No condemnation …

  3. Hi Hadyn, been listening to many vids of yours on Youtube. Love your voice, especially in the high tones. Thank you so much for the evangelising and joy. This hymn is touching me in Asia.

  4. Hi I’m Hadyn! We have another YouTube channel and online platform, where we are making new original indie-folk tunes to the words of old Hymns to try and bring these rich words to those who don’t listen to hymns. If this is interesting to you, the links are below.

    ►YouTube Channel


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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/navyjonesmusic/

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  5. This is my favorite hymn! "And Can It Be"….those words aptly describe what every Christian heart should say about being saved. The verse about being in the dungeon perfectly describes the day I got saved. "Thine eye diffused a quickening ray…..my chains fell off….I rose went forth and followed thee'. That was 47 years ago and I remember it so clearly. Thank you for doing a beautiful job with this hymn. Most people sing it way too slowly. It is a triumphant song not a funeral durge! I look forward to more of Charles Wesley hymns. Blessings!


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