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  1. 18:17
    This is the dumbest argument ever. Now, I hate to play this card because even though I’m not religious, I’m not someone who argues against it ever, but uh
 what are God’s properties DJP? What’s His size and weight? What’s God’s chemical composition Donald?

  2. On the “what came first, blood, brain, heart, etc” argument. In their most basic forms, it was blood, liver, heart, brain, lungs. The progression of it actually makes a lot of sense once you know it

  3. I know he says it but when in the history of college has a professor just during the first class for no reason go like yo fuck all that superstition shit because that shit is against school policy most of the time

  4. It would’ve been funny if when he said “when I open this door, I’m not going to find a female roommate am I?” The lady behind the fest said “ooohh noo. He’s not female anymore. Have a good semester”!!


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