Lucy, an irresponsible and self-absorbed young woman, has her world turned upside down when she is granted custody of her …


  1. I had a similar experience. I was estranged from my older sister for two years and then her and her husband died leaving behind her son and her daughter. we were driven apart due to her husband’s inappropriate behaviour toward me if you know what I mean. It was very sad and at her funeral I couldn’t bring myself to sit with my family because I was imagining what they were thinking and feeling about me in this awkward and very painful situation. I could not explain it to anyone because I needed it to protect my niece and my nephew. However, God has seen me through it, I am so grateful for Him

  2. I don't understand why movies teach that when you die you go to heaven. No one goes to heaven when they die. You do not go to heaven until Jesus second coming. You go to sleep. Hence RIP. The Bible clearly says you sleep until pulled up. Rev 20:13. Ecc 9:5-6. 1 Corinthians 15:52. Mark 12:27. John 11:11. And many many more verses prove you sleep until Jesus second coming. Then God does away with the earth and heaven and creates a new earth and heaven Rev 21:1. .

  3. One more good Christian movie to add to the list of so few. This movie is realistic, not contrived. Susan and Lucy's characters remind us that being saved doesn't equate being sinless, though we should try to be more and more. And they are not ashamed to say the name of JESUS, hallelujah!

  4. Read Barnabas gospel at least once, to make sure you have clearly understood what Jesus said. Barnabas gospel is what Jesus said clearly explained by himself, it is outsanding ! Take chapter one and start.

  5. Loved the movie but in real life people dont forgive so easily..very very rare i wish it was like this movie in real life too…people cut ties and never want to even reconcile especially bible beliving christians…Jesus says forgive your enemy but in reality people dnt even want to forgive their loved's one's…

  6. Jesus does not forgive sins, but his God, as he himself said with his own forgiving mouth, and he said that he cannot do anything without the will of his God and the people to whom Jesus said that their sins were forgiven, he said it in the passive form.

  7. Jesus clearly said in your Bible:
    Jesus said, “I ascend to MY GOD and YOUR GOD. » (John 20:17). Jesus had a God, the Father.
    Jesus said, “As for the day or the hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, NOR THE GOD, but THE GOD only. » (Mark 13:32). Jesus had a God, the Father who is the only one who knows the time of the day of judgment.
    Jesus said, lifting his eyes to heaven: “Now this is ETERNAL LIFE, that they KNOW YOU, THE ONE TRUE GOD, and Jesus whom you have sent. » (John 17:3). Jesus was the messenger of the only true god, the Father.
    Jesus said, “The Father is greater than I.” » (John 14:28). The Father is greater than Jesus and everyone.
    Jesus said, “I can do nothing on my own initiative. »(John 5:19). Without the Father, Jesus was worthless and could do nothing.
    Jesus said, “As for me, I can do nothing of my own accord.” (John 5:30). Jesus

    Jesus said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me.” (John 11:41). Without the Father, Jesus cannot do anything.
    Paul said, “And when all things have been submitted to him, then the son himself will be subject to him who put all things in subjection to him, that the father may be all in all.” » (1Corinthians 15:28).


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