Home God's Generals All is possible | Pastor Petrus van Rensburg | Sunday Live God's Generals All is possible | Pastor Petrus van Rensburg | Sunday Live 2 5 RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR God's Generals 🔥🎙️ LIVE: Ronaldo Ortiz – “Como O Deus Soberano Me Salvou” ✝️📖 #001 God's Generals MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB PART A | REV W M BRANHAM| TAPE SERVICE God's Generals Azusa Street Revival: When Fire Fell from Heaven! #shorts #history #christianfaith God's Generals Low Mass for john and Charles Wesley – 3.3.25 God's Generals SOTH Compline 2025.03.03 John & Charles Wesley.mov With God All is possible. Don’t get stuck in your situation right now look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our Faith. A special … 5 COMMENTS ALL is possible to those who believe…The eyes and ears etc. Isn't coming from the doubters, just the BELIEVERS, and lovers of YHWH… Reply i believe…Received some impartion and believe even MORE will come forth… Reply Excuse me…All this time i was crying and crying and whining that YAHshua to come into my home and forgive me…Forgive me, i am not worthy to Him come into my home…Holy YaHWeH help… Reply Bless you Brother, Pastor Petrus…HalleluYAH…Life-giving water… Reply Powerful message… thank you Reply LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here You have entered an incorrect email address! Please enter your email address here Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
ALL is possible to those who believe…The eyes and ears etc. Isn't coming from the doubters, just the BELIEVERS, and lovers of YHWH… Reply
Excuse me…All this time i was crying and crying and whining that YAHshua to come into my home and forgive me…Forgive me, i am not worthy to Him come into my home…Holy YaHWeH help… Reply
ALL is possible to those who believe…
The eyes and ears etc. Isn't coming from the doubters, just the BELIEVERS, and lovers of YHWH…
i believe…
Received some impartion and believe even MORE will come forth…
Excuse me…
All this time i was crying and crying and whining that YAHshua to come into my home and forgive me…
Forgive me, i am not worthy to Him come into my home…
Holy YaHWeH help…
Bless you Brother, Pastor Petrus…
Life-giving water…
Powerful message… thank you