Megan gives a talk about drugs influence on teens and shares her own insight and experiences on the matter. Megan is a junior …


  1. I've never been a big drinker but I've used drugs .. but it's difficult to distinguish between drug use and drug abuse .. I completely agree with the coping mechanism thing but people have to understand that where people fail drugs don't … and that can be any form of drug .. definition: Natural or synthetic substance which (when taken into a living body) affects its functioning or structure, and is used in the diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of a disease or relief of discomfort. When that discomfort is caused largely impart by people .. where else is there to turn x

  2. I'm a teacher and starting a blog empowering young people and I am going to include a link to this. thank you for being brave and for sharing your story. You broke alcoholism down in a very real way. Keep up the good work 🙂

  3. I see you as an absolute inspiration. You described exactly where my head is right now. How you got the courage to do that speech amazes me. Previous commenter 'alcohol didn't cause your anxiety and depression', doesn't know what they're talking about.

  4. Im 15 and recovering from nicotine and weed addiction and the worst part is that you cant really tell anyone. If I tell my mom I could deal with even more emotional abuse than normal. If I tell a therapist he has to tell my mom. and if I tell my friends they'll use it against me. I have to deal with my stupidity all by myself.

  5. My experience with a teens drug use. He'll/she'll steal and sell everything you own, box it and get it out of the premises. Xmas at grandmas? He'll clean her out. Visitor? He'll be in her purse before you pour the coffee. I'm serious. Your prada purse, dad's socket wrench..gone for drugs. His sister's jacket..sold. he stole a tent …missing…pray your teen daughter isn't hooked. She could devastate your family with addict babies and addict daddies even if she od's and dies.

  6. Look it’s not a disease it’s just something some people choose to do abuse is a choice I do drugs and alcohol you just don’t overuse them or try them as something you truly want to do addiction isn’t real we put drugs as such a bad thing and it just makes things worse than they would be it’s not a mental disease if people were truly happy they wouldn’t chose to do that and saying your an addict puts you down more maybe if it wasn’t looked at so badly it wouldn’t be such a problem because putting yourself down just makes things worse the more we fight drugs the more of a problem it becomes

  7. He Megan. Firstly thank you for your talk, it taught me something. Made something that was formulating in me.. Concrete. Secondly, if Diogenes had only looked for a 'Good Person' rather than a 'Good Man' he might have, as I just have, found someone like You 🙂 Much love from the UK.

  8. I’m pretty sure I have a problem, but I’m scared to talk to my parents about it to get help, don’t want them to get mad so I watch these videos and hope they might help somehow

  9. Don't blame the son was a bartender at 21yo.. lost control of his drinking at 23yo..has been a binge alcoholic since and up to excuses until he became an alcoholic.just bad choices ever since

  10. YOUTH ALERT: from ELDEST BROTHER(age 50 – so NOT actual Eldest – they go up to the 90's and beyond) – DO NOT BECOME PROMISCUOUS (and esp. with "lower species males") – it will 140% come back to haunt you (via more Force than in Physics – a "Biological Force" "accounts" for these mutations – so TRY TO AVOID PROMISCUITY + TRAITOROUS BEHAVIOURS … Regards, David Kamran, (Athlete b. 1970 – Downers Grove North, UniversIllinois-UrbanaChampaign, married three times and PRO Tennis + High School "tier-1" American Footballer + street Basketball + Baseball + Squash + Cricket + Volleyball) .. and VERY HIGH SAT/iQ (private Academy Grade School – ACS)

  11. I love how informative and educational this video is, and I thank Megan for sharing the experience and bringing awareness, but what I don't like is me having to watch a bunch of times just to write a 1 page essay on it along with 4 other videos on the topic all together. On top of that, our teacher is going more strict on this assignment then the other ones since he gonna be deducting a ton of points if its not even 1 page. 🙄😑 Really hate school man.. I don't get what's their deal.

  12. Sorry but you cannot go and say that alcoholism is a disease just like cancer…one is made through poor life choices and one comes about naturally and can happen to anybody, no matter your walk of life. Somebody needs to stop pampering this girl.

  13. Megan, your story is beautiful! I had to get my tissues out, LOL. I am a 48 year old alcoholic and I could identify with so much of your story! Thank you and keep coming back, it works if you work it, so work it because you are worth it!!


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