ADVICE FOR NEW CHRISTIANS / 7 things to expect when you become a christian

Are you a new christian looking for some advice on what to do after being saved??? I thought i would give you guys 7 things to …


  1. Please pray for me and my family. Under attack for doing the work of an evangelist !!! 🙂 🕊 And I will pray for you as well ❤️🙏
    Check out the Visual Bible movies on YouTube, Matthew, Acts, Luke, John !!!

  2. I grew up in a Christian family but never really felt the connection with God. Today, (in 4 hours!), I'm getting baptized! It's been 2 months since I've let God back into my life and I'm nervous but excited to see what the future brings. Wish me luck at the baptism haha

  3. The 7 things you talked about, every one of them, I can relate to right now!! It's about him and not me.
    Good advice Sister!!

    God bless you and your YouTube channel!!

  4. religion has always been something that would always worry me, bc i have always thought growing up in a muslim family it was the only thing i could follow but listening to this kinda made me happy but at the same time im still stressed out

  5. I gave my life to Jesus Christ in June 2022. I needed this video because I don't understand alot. I am grateful for you sharing. I enjoyed. Please continue sharing sister. God bless you. I wish if there was a way to ask you questions too.

  6. Today on April 19,2023 ( I am 13 btw) I was sitting in gym class and I had my friends phone and I was looking through the camera role and I found 2 pictures that stood out to me! they were both of the same thing but they bot just really stuck out. In the pictures it was a babible it had a lot of stuff highlighted then there was a notebook with a ton of notes and I immediately knew what it somewhat inspired me to do the same and to become closer to God. SO when I got home I grabbed an notebook , my bible, and my little book that has like devotions in it and when to youtube and found this video!

  7. This is so helpful! I'm a Christian, but both my parents are agnostic, (they believe that there is something, but don't know what) and im not allowed to have a Bible, so I use and online one. This helps me alot, and if anyone has any tips, I'm open for everything. God bless you ❤

  8. Hi I’m 14 turning 15 I have just started to give my heart to God I’m struggling majorly but still trying my best to have my heart 100% to Jesus Christ, my dad is an agnostic and my mums atheist so a bible in my house and believing in Christ has been quite tough as though I can’t entirely go to church or talking about it with any family as none believe in him,
    I met a boy a year or so ago and that is when he started to change my life I believe he is a true angel sent from God I fell in love with this beautiful boy hard to believe as I’m still extremely young but he is my best friend and he has shown me everything about God and helped me,
    This video is so helpful especially for me a new Christian I pray every single night and when I skip i night I dread with guilt I have to pray again and again until the guilt leaves thank u so much for this video i am struggling to hear the voice of God but believe he is with me every single second and I don’t want to speak to God I want to speak with God sorry this was kind of a ramble im just so happy at where I am as God has really blessed me ❤ thank u

  9. Thsnk you so much for this. I was just born again, and I still don't really know what to do even after watching so many videos. I also thought it was going to be easy, but obviously it is a commitment and I want to commit and learn how to commit. I want God in my life. Amen.❤

  10. Here's some advice for new christians. Get out before you are in too deep. Aside from the jesus story being a complete farce, it is the worse life you could ever be involved in. I was a christian for 10 years. Was the worse ten years of my life, and the people I associated with in the church were the worse people I have ever know. Pious, self righteous, judgmental, insincere and filled with guilt and shame. Hope this helps.

  11. I'm 14, Been struggling with my faith in christianity although my family raised me in christianity. I made my decision, I no longer can deny him and I want to walk with him!


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