In this video, I show you give you guys some Christian advice. This is mostly for teens or new believers it everyone is welcome to …


  1. i really hope you answer because it’s been a while but will God take a your relationship from you if you sin? i worry that if i sin then something will get taken from you.

  2. Could you help me with this, so basically I am talking to a boy at my school and we are just getting to know eachother I’m not exactly allowed to date but I’m just trying it out is it bad if I date someone but don’t put them Before God is it bad to date as a teen?

  3. Do you think it would be possible for you to read books of the bible to us because I am more of a audible reader and it’s much easier for me to listen too when someone else is reading it too me

  4. I wish I could go back, I was so rebellious and so misunderstood. I also wish my mom was more biblical believer rather than a shallow Catholic. I am grateful that she would make me watch faith based movies (like 3 of them lol)

  5. Today from now on I am going to give my life to god it’s not gonna be easy ofc but I truly want to give my life to god I don’t wanna live world-ly anymore , I don’t wanna try to impress other people by trying to be someone I am not I deleted almost all my social media account and I never felt so much better and peace ! As a teenager it’s gonna be kinda hard losing friends but it’s whatever I rather listen to God

  6. I’m 14 for the past 2 years I’ve been struggling with depression. School has been extremely hard for me lately and I feel a heavy weight on my chest. I also want to have a strong relationship with God but that feeling just fades away 😪

  7. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!! Im always looking for christian ANYTHING!! to share with my 12 and 13 Year old daughter's.I share everything I possibly can from my own experiences but im a man. I want them to understand that god loves them dearly and being representation of him dosent have to be boring. So thanks again.

  8. what if i have tattoos? i’m now starting to learn about christianity and i can’t help but feel, deep down, guilt and shame over the fact that i made the mistake of getting two tattoos and now i’m not sure if God is going to accept me for having them. i also have two nose piercings that i am thinking about taking out :/

  9. “Doing the nasty” 😄😄😄. That’s a new one lol. But Good video. Lust is a powerful thing but we need to lay down our flesh and walk of the Spirit.

    Oh and BTW don’t worry if you say the actual word you won’t get demonetized. I’m pretty sure. Actually you know what I’m not sure. But I used to watch Youtubers that say gross stuff all the time so you should be fine especially if your talking about God and not the junk that they say. But if you’d rather reference the word that works cause we understood.

    Good message, the battle is real but God is with us.

  10. I appreciate you mailing this video I migrated in Belgium 2 years ago and its hard to adjust because I'm from the Philippines and what I've witnessed is that kids my age here are really different when I started going to school the language barrier is stopping me to make friends and I've experienced people coming to me wanting to make friends but then I'd feel like they just pity seeing me alone and doesn't want me to be with them,. I've had lots of group of friends approaching me like that but I tend to avoid them because sometiems I witnessed them being someone, that role model I don't want, like for example they swear, gossips and a lot more like what normal teenagers do in this generation but I don't want that, that's when they probably thought that I was just unfriendly but the thing is that I don't want to be around people who does those things, so I ended up being lonely until now, but I know I have my Christians friend even tho they're online, My stepdad told me that I need to find real friends and it sometiems upset me because I'd prefer online friends that leads me into doing good stuff that the friends in real life whom will lead me to do bad things,. 🙂

  11. Hi, I need some help from anyone.

    I'm 14 and from England. Recently I've been feeling like a terrible christian. I've fallen into a cycle of porn, lying, swearing, stealing. My parents are devout christians and so are some of my friends. Last week I went to a youth event with around 100 young christians. I can't help but find myself comparing myself to all the others. All of them were praying, getting prophetic word/ pictures/ raising their arms etc. But no matter how hard i tried nothing seemed to happen. I can't help but feel evetines is better/ more loved than me. I've had prayers for heeling before but i can be rt seem to hear god. What am I doing wrong? I'm in a very bad place at the moment and have tried to commit suicide before. I self harm and hate my life – this one tiny bit of faith i have is all i seem to be keeping me going. Help please.

    I've never dated anyone before but I met a buy the other day who i can't keep my eyes off. I've followed his insta under an anonymous name but problem is he goes to a completely different church so it's very unlikely I'll see him until next year

  12. Message to young people, Live for today, Don`t listen to those fake stories about an old Codger sitting in the clouds writing down your every thought and deed, He doesn`t exist and the whole purpose of these stories is to get control over your mind.
    Jesus freaks are real wet blankets, they hate to see young people enjoying their lives and maybe it is because they lead such a miserable existence full of guilt trips and paranoia in case they offend the big Skydaddy, all they want to talk about is doom, gloom and death. We don`t need that in our lives, there is so much to explore, the search for good times and fun should be our main objective.
    The Mantra of the 60s was "If it feels good, Do it" and it feels really good to reject this Jesus nonsense.

  13. We all have sinned and fell short of the glory to God. The problem is, that God is holy and doesn’t live with sin. So we all deserve to go to hell, but Jesus paid the price so you don’t have to. All you have to do is confess Jesus as your savior and repent (turn from all sin) and you’ll be forgiven and on the way to heaven.


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