In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank has a look at that oh so troublesome time in everyone’s life: Adolescence!


  1. The only issue I have with these videos is the. I wish they would be a bit longer and go a bit more in depth about the subject matter. On average 10 minutes is just too short to learn about a given topic. Otherwise I really enjoy them.

  2. I wonder how much of adolescence is a culturally determined social construct and how much of it is pure biology (i.e. nature versus nurture).

    For instance, has the concept changed significantly over time and before the modern era did it even exist at all or wasn't really meaningful enough to study?

    For example, were adolescents of the late 19th and early 20th centuries when it was pretty commonplace for those who we now consider to be either children or vulnerable young adults still too young to work in factories damaged mentally by their experiences and, if not, why not? Surely the older children/younger adults of bygone eras had the same needs, etc. as their modern counterparts so why should it have been different?

  3. Adolescence Proper: Ages 13-20
    Greater Adolescence: Ages 10-24
    Pre-Adolescence: Ages 10-12
    Early Adolescence: Ages 13-14
    Middle Adolescence: Ages 15-17
    Late Adolescence: Ages 18-20
    Post-Adolescence: Ages 21-24

  4. 5:20 What is it with nostalgia and milkshakes? One of my fondest childhood memories is visiting my grandpa at his store, then accompanying him and a few of his fellow small-town businessmen friends to a main street diner for coffee break. I would always get a vanilla milkshake. To this day, I search for a vanilla milkshake that tastes as good as the ones I used to get at that diner, but none can measure up.


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