Pastor Enoch Adeboye, general overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, (Daddy G.O) has tendered an apology for …


  1. The day a USE LESS RCCG pastor in Malaysia opened his STUPID USE LESS GOD Forsaken mouth to say those who don't Tithe, things will be tight for them, that was the day I STOOPED GOING TO REDEEMED and ALL CHURCH.

  2. I wonder since when Church doctrines became the topic of journalists' discussion, when pressing national matters are waiting to be debated.

    Why not leave matters of Church doctrine to Christian scholars and rational discourse and debate of same to apologists?

    This is nothing but misplaced priority on the part of this news outlet that either does not realize or deliberately ignores the fact that any intellectual discourse within a systematic sphere should be subject to analysis by experts within that sphere.

    Leave Church matters to the Church, because as a matter of fact, real Christians do not depend on news outlets to get validation of their faith. Period!

  3. In the book of 1 Corinthians, Apostle Paul said “follow me as I follow Christ”. This is apostle Paul keeping himself accountable, meaning his followership isn’t unconditional. His followers only follow him as he follows Christ. As a leader, there is such a huge mantle on you so you can’t just say things as they come in it head because they sound good or right to you. This is what frustrates many Christians in Nigeria towards the leaders. Most of these people challenging the things our leaders do aren’t trying to rebel against God but want accountability. YES, church leaders need to be accountable but our big pastors don’t want to hear you challenge anything they do. This is frustrating. The house of God is not a cult. It’s a place to meet and grow in Christ, the center of our salvation. Any other message that isn’t centered on the person of Christ needs to be carefully digested. We have really dangerous people on pulpits all across the nation and you cannot expect the people to just keep quiet and follow everything these men say. God help us.

  4. What a foolish end-timic generation.

    Adeboye did NOT negate his earlier statement. His words are a snare to foolish "christians".

    Adeboye said. " Be at Peace with all men, Be "Holy". Without Holiness no man shall see the Lord".

    Adeboye just left you, a rebellious generation, to be judged by their Maker. He isn't their Maker, he's just an Oracle.

    To knowledge

    Jesus said. "Give to Caesar, Caesars AND to God, God's". Tax is to Caesar as Tithes are to God.

    No Christian can be Holy without doing that which is right. Including Tithing.

    It wasn't a source of debate in the New Testament because it was an established norm.

    If you Love God, why would tithing be a burden?

    The only class that can go to heaven if they dont pay their tithes are people, like the thief on the cross, that get converted and die in a short space of time.

    However, any christian that's matured enough to tithe and dodges it deliberately WILL go to hell.

    That's a statement without any apologies or ambiguity.

    Now, go and study the scriptures.

    In Levitucus, God was detailed in the concentric circles as to who to pay tithes to.

    Levi was to Israel as Pastors are to the Church.

    The essence of tithing was to ensure the continued growth of the kingdom. The Pastors are partakers bcos, like the oxen, they ate fromtl the field.

    What Pastors do with your tithes, like the Levite Priests also did, is NOT your business. Their God will judge them.
    However, like Israel, uf you choose to rebel, God will judge you as well.

    Matthew 6:23. Jesus said

    "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its ordinances(standards) and all these other things shall be ADDED unto you".

    What a foolish generation!.

  5. Pst Adeboye did not force anyone to pay tithe. The problem we have is that we are too busy to read the bible. As a christian, going to hell for not paying is not true and no one can deceive me with that. I follow the bible and not the pastor.

  6. People didn't listen very well or not understand what he really said in his statement. He literally took back what he said and demanded for more percentage. "He was wrong and at the same time right" according to him….. His light does not travel in a straight line.😂

  7. Will Redeem Church and in particular the GO return all the traceable tithes to the people who have wrongly paid it on instruction / interpretation from these pastors and their teachings. Basically they successfully hoodwinked a lot of people young people for that matter to tithe money they should be investing in their lives . It is appalling state of affairs in the so called followers of Christ

  8. FAKE Christians only show interests in tithes and offering. Money hungry people have no interest in topics such as faith, love, mercy, holiness, righteousness…

  9. You worship idols – statute of virgin Mary, burning incense, etc. Did Jesus worship Virgin Mary, did Jesus burn incense? When will you apologize for thousands of years of idol worshipping?

  10. The last caller the pastor didnt complete his claim that tithes can be converted to money. Here is the summary. Deut 14:22 – tithes are paid annually (unlike today where it is monthly). Deut 14:23 – eat your tithes (Yes, you eat it, not given to anyone). Deut 14:24 – if your place of worship is too far (exchange it for money). Deut 14:25 – go to place where God choose for you. Deut 14:26 spend your tithes as you want in fact you can use it to buy drink i e. wine (alcohol), and eat before the Lord your God with your household (family).

    Pastor Julius should say the truth. Tidayy, we read our bibles and we know what God is saying.


  11. If such things happen in Europe, the church will be closed down immediately, secondly he will be in jail already. That's why the European government controls churches and their bank account.
    Shame on the Nigerian. Government


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