The conversation explores the topics of addiction, recovery, and the role of orthodoxy in addressing these issues. The guests …


  1. If you can, on the next episode, please please talk about medically assisted treatment like methadone and suboxone and what the stance of NA and the 12 steps is toward that.. I am currently on methadone treatment and have been for 5 years off of heroin but it's not really sobriety as I'm still on an opiate… I am approaching Orthodoxy as a catecumen and the 12 steps has been coming up alot.. it's the one thing I was very resistant too I never wanted to go to meetings and I had no idea what the 12 steps even were but now I am seeing the parallels with Orthodoxy and have been reading "Steps of Transfomation" by Fr. Meletios Weber which is about exactly that! Also Fr Turbo of The Royal Path has said on a lecture that some people need to do a 12 step program BEFORE approaching the church which is probably true for me… I just wanted to know if I need to get off the methadone before attempting the steps or if I can start them right away.. because technically I'm still on an opiate and not sober although my life is way more stable… I'm so sick of being on it I'm slowly tapering down but it's a slow process and ill still have to go through withdrawal at some point which i absolutely dread… God has completely changed my life through Orthodoxy and has healed quite alot despite my numbness (thats one of the reasons i knew it was real because He pierced through it)and im ready to be done with the methadone… i hate being numb from it all the time and it's definitely not conducive to asceticism makes it alot harder and its hard to pray the Jesus prayer without nodding out a little im tryin to see it (the methadone) as a thorn in my flesh that i have to work through and that kinda helps… I wish I could just stop cold turkey and be done with it but I know that's a bad idea without tapering…it's frustrating… I actually put off getting baptized last Pascha because I didn't want to be numb for the most important day of my life and also i just wasnt ready yet it was too soon….
    anyway forgive the essay comment I just wanted to know everyone's thoughts on this.. also Fr Meletios' book is incredible if you don't know about it! Thanks and Glory to God

  2. Yes, addiction is a nightmare. Especially when you have to helplessly watch a loved one lose their life in an overdose.

    This happened to my older brother. He was a promising up and coming Law Student caught in the wrong yuppie crowd. His meth addiction overwhelmed him and took his career, relationships, property, dignity, and life. For someone I truly looked up to who ended up homeless and sleeping under bridges. It shattered my heart to watch him disintegrate like this. To family members and loved ones alike it will devastate them, no doubt.

    May God have mercy on his soul. Amen. ❤☦️🙏

  3. The solution to addiction is to continually indulge until you get tired of it. If you quit now, you will lose your sanity. Without sanity, how could you possibly function in society? You will suffer a terrible withdrawal, and at the apex of the pain, you will come crawling to me and begging me for more, and rightfully so. How else would I feed on your languishing soul? How else would I shield your spiritual eyes from the Light of God? How else would I cloak you in spiritual darkness from that piercing, all-terrible Brightness of Heaven? How else would I drag you down to that jolly carnival of damnation, where all manner of fun and surprises are aplenty? HOW ELSE WOULD I KEEP YOU IN MY KIND AND LOVING ARMS FOR ETERNITY!!!


    -Your best and most reliable friend,


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