Welcome to DAY TWO of your faith defining, season shifting Morris Cerullo Revelation Faith School of Ministry on a FULL …


  1. I really enjoyed this message like any other of Dr Cerullo's put together for our use by u;ur efforts is very commendable.However,d accompanying music is too loud,even drowning d voice n message intended for d listening/viewing audience.Cld u pls mk it softer n mild

  2. I have been so enjoying repeatingly (average 4-5x) watch each Day course in all serials of The Revelation Faith. Each explanation papa M.Cerullo deliberately exposed, increase my sense of fighting spirit against the devil's attempts because of more awareness of the Faith Strength instilled by the Lord.

  3. Thank you LORD for using this man of yours to help many christians to upleft there faith in you and walk with you upright in the eyes of JESUS CHRIST and obtain powers of the Holy spirit…

  4. The higher level of spiritual authority the higher level of spiritual position or disposition level of levels staircase escalators elevators position disposition communication relationship relation dynamic dual position dual dynamic a level of authority to the Dynamics of the power of the word of God the instrument of the anointing and the power of his word faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God faith is a substance of things not seen in the evidence of things to be seen the level consecration reconciliation holiness prayer honesty loyalty commitment determination servitude deny yourself remember this one a woman wanted to get healed and she touched his garments virtue Holy Spirit Revives


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