Unlock the secret to achieving your dreams and living a life of abundance with this powerful motivational speech. Learn how to …


  1. if civil rts people get vaught in arrest they have no right to list me as their wife to get discharged and take my sons SSI accounts to give the jails to pay their bail or take other old stockes exchanges from the Capone days of coiurt cases of mine aand pay thier bail with it and say it is their wifes money for . and they have no right those from 61st and indiana area fto use my body to make babies and demad child for support fot them and some aide reciepiencct lady that hired to pay mens bills with this type of fake. or to take my crypto or mine coins on my bitcoin miners and tell jail court guards to just take what they need from my Bitcoin mining to pay their jail and discharvge fee them they discharge them and those football player type men driver here in a station wagon and drop them off here and they try to hur me so they wont get in trouble and have to pay it bak,…my sons case jBari was closed long time ago 20 years or so and their pharmacy shoul not have me listed as a paying otr liscensing pharmacy source. i dm blocked form using a lawyer. Heather and Gilbert and Valentino too would never talk to me much or answer my phone calls or tell me tif they werte using me or my son or tell me if they. hear he was dead or alive or over seads in militaries. Those clinincs and hosp have no right to plan private furnerals with open visitors from his schools and other without my consent. He saw nurses and over 15 therapist special medicla aat grad school alone and high schl every day. It could cause them to get fired or loose therir special certifiied teacher for CPS and Board of ed special medial teachers certificates. If they have to verify a fraud child with non of the same bio. think about it. sondra sims inglesias 7730 Yates

  2. This is A.I. I can bet every dollar in my bank account. This is NOT Dr Myles Monroe. I hope Munroe Global takes action. While I appreciate the thought behind this Channel, itā€™s simply not ethical.

  3. This is a nice message, but donā€™t mislead by using likeness and peopleā€™s voices (AI), thatā€™s falsification, & that makes us not trust YOU. No matter what your message isā€¦those who know, KNOWā€¦& I knew the Drā€¦in real lifeā€¦& he didnā€™t speak this message we are hearingā€¦ijs

  4. If this is not Dr. Myles Monroe, then shouldnā€™t this guy be arrested for altering his work and presenting it as his (Dr. Myles Munroeā€™s) work ? Thatā€™s falsification and misrepresentation. The legacy of the man I think should be preserved.

  5. Man, you lost me on the Universe stuff. This is not the Doc. Dr. Monroe will always lead his teachings with Christ. Good information but please be yourself. You're gonna lose credibility.


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