Join Kingsley Okonkwo as he addresses the body of Christ with a very timely and powerful message at WOFBEC 2024 To Join …


  1. I was just scrolling through some reels on Facebook one day then I came across a video by pastor Kingsley…I immediately rushed to YouTube and subscribed to his channel from that day I've learned things that I probably wouldn't have learned my whole life..

    I really appreciate your work pastor Kingsley may God continue to bless you with wisdom and health so that we too can learn through you🙏🙏🙏

  2. The linking of Ismael to or as father of arabs and Isaac to Israel is a false narrative. Historical, it's a big lie. The part Abraham where was ask to leave is somewhere in today Syria and the maid mother of Ismael was Egyptian , both are are Arabs nations. Arabs exists pre Ismael. Why is one son labelled Arab and the other Jewish.

  3. This is such a powerful exhortation! A real mindset shift.

    Faith doesn’t move God. It pleases Him. He’s not a reactive God. He’s PROACTIVE, Wise and Strong.

    Thank you PK!! God richly blessed you!! Wow.

  4. Fear based prayers bring fear based results. Whatever you focus on, expands. So focusing on the things you don’t have, leads to more lack.

    “For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away”. — Matthew 25:29, RSV


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