According to Promise. Of Salvation, Life, and Eternity | Charles H. Spurgeon | Free Audiobook

Audiobook Description ~ The first part of this book is meant to be a sieve to separate the chaff from the wheat. Use it on your own …


  1. How can you take Spurgeons work and change it without his permission?
    How can you do that and have a clear conscience before God?
    Even if your changes are "better", they're not, but that's not my accusation, for now.
    Could you imagine someone having the gall, the temerity to change the work of Rembrandt or Constable?
    Print it as Spurgeon intended it, narrate what he wrote and preached by the power of God.

  2. all of us are "children according to the promise" IF WE RECEIVE the gift of the salvation by believing in Jesus NOT because we were chosen to be saved…. to misuse Romans 9 like God does not earnestly want "all the nations of the earth to be blessed" through that seed of Abraham (and Jacob) is a perverse misuse of that PROMISE to bless all nations with the seed of Abraham….. no you can not laugh at yourself like Sarah and Abraham laughed at Isaac…. YOU WERE NOT CHOSEN to carry the seed of Christ to all nations, you can laugh with joy about many other things like the joy of receiving the GIFT of Jesus' salvation by faith in Jesus… but not because you are carrying the seed according to the promise like Jacob or Isaac.
    So then they which be of faith are BLESSED with faithful Abraham. you can be BLESSED with Abraham but you are NOT CHOSEN like his children to BEAR CHRIST in the flesh to the nations…..Jesus was ALREADY BORN folks, you are NOT elect like Jacob, you are elect IN CHRIST by faith …. Jacob was indeed elect/chosen for the promise, the promise to carry the SEED that ended up being Jesus, through whom all nations would be blessed (Gen 18:18, 22:18)… Romans 9 is talking about who was chosen in the line of Abraham "in whom all the nations of the earth would be blessed" to bring forth that seed of Messiah, the lineage of Christ, not chosen to be saved.! "Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ." (Gal 3:16)

  3. Dear sister thank you, thank you, thank you, for the many many hours of work you put into the videos to try and peel back the veil that we would see what you saw!!! As I was listening to your testimony, I was brought to my knees at the love and Fatherliness of God . Hallelujah! How good God is!!!

  4. Gentlemen the Galatians being bewitched into a new gospel, are not being tempted into the old religion, but their false new gospel is a licence to sin being under grace.

    They are not choosing to be under the law of sin and death, but are counted as under the law due to sin, as they are not tempted to return to the law of Moses, but to sin which sends them under the law of sin that came in by Moses as Romans 5:13.

  5. Please don't talk rubbish you say in
    Luke 17 vers 34
    Two men will sleep ( lie) together one will be taken and one be left behind
    So you say two gays
    But the Bible says two poeple and not
    Two men
    You talking rubbish watch out what you say not every body is stupid

  6. A Christian thinks he / she lines up pretty good to the word not bad as we used to be. Until you hear these writers! If the word or your Pastor is not abrasive to you then you must have missed something somewhere because there's a lot to get right !


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