Current observations of the world from “MY’ perspective!


  1. All I can say is, if you were my client, we would NEVER leave the shop because I love a good gossip session, and Cadillac, you are a fantabulous gossip session!!! I have to go back 10 seconds every minute or so in order to get my laugh-in all over again. Hilarious!

  2. lolololololololololololol I'm not sure why you would expect different from that pastor. Most folk have subscribed to the whole a person needs to change/should change, in order for whatever reason makes sense to them. I get it, folk been repeating that whole change thingy, not realizing life is about ones evolution and whether or not they ***choose to mature. As anyone can "change" temporarily, whether to appease whomever, or for whatever superficial reasons that cater to them getting whatever they want. But at no time does anyone that is focused and concerned with their maturity be caught up in pretending, pleasing and appeasing others in order to stand in a light that makes sense to someone else If he chose to lie about his illness, he was doing nothing more than what he';s done all his life. Why would anyone expect anything else.

  3. Caddilac we love you please come back & make new videos on RHOA! We miss your real woman from the south perspective! The game needs Cadillac Kimberly in 2020, please we need truth tellers that are not on that fruli fruu stuff like you! You know what I mean lol


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