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  1. Commando is a great actor. Acting a hardened criminal and cult man is so real. I pray a gang member will get saved too. It would be nice if commanded experiences a miracle that will change his stony heart.

  2. Hallelujah to the most High………indeed this movie entails the Totality of how our gracious Father cares and loved us and He is ever ready to accept us back when we come to Him……….Jesus thank for your love on us all and bless each character in this movie Amen.

  3. Ha ha which police officer is this hope he's not working for Mr Gbade?
    I smell a rat
    This episode is😮 breath staking wickedness in every high places in the society. Hmm there's power in the name of Jesus, and greater needs for christian to be very prayerful.
    Last last Jesus wins
    Thank God for all the actors and actresses and the crew members, the writer of the script, God bless you all.

  4. I was not about to go to bed without watching abattoir. Ahhh thank you Lord for reminding me. And just like that spirit of heaviness has been lifted. Thank you Lord Jesus. The Lord continue to bless the cast and crew 🙏

  5. Why do I always interceed that somethings should not happen in the movie?😅😅😅
    I really want to say thank you to Jesus for not allowing the plan of the enemy to be executed over brother Juwon…
    Save Martins too oh Lord.

  6. Their target hugged them from behind😂😂😂 and invited them to fellowship. Amazing! That scene got me thinking of how many times we have unknowingly walked into trouble/danger zone and Jesus incapacitated the enemy. Imagine them saying that guy looks familiar😢😂

  7. Chief Sanya, I’m eager to see what he will do. ‘A son for a son’, I know his own meaning is different but I can’t wait to see. Calculator Caculous, it is well with you o, eating with the devil will soon land you in trouble. Officer Gabriel’s case is very relatable, I hope she finds Jesus too. Gbenro is becoming something else at this point. The only thing on his head is this wedding and his supposed bride is in danger but he is blind. Mummy and Daddy❤, a perfect example of kingdom focused couple, their love for Martins. At this point, we may change Martins’ name to Joseph…(smile when you get it) Akin, I hope the little he heard about Jesus is sufficient to save him because his mother is about to donate him in the name of protecting him bayi. Gbade is a fantastic actor! He kills every role, I sometimes forget that everyone in MZ are actually Christians because of the roles they play e.g Commando, Rambo, Gbade, the DPO😂 God will continue to keep all of you!

  8. This episode reminds me of the cross and the switch blades. I Tim 1:15. Only Christ Jesus has the ability to save from sin. It was so joyful for me to see the dramatic conviction of Folarin by the Holy Spirit. As I pondered on the scene I couldn't help but pray O God make me a soul winner. No amount of motivational speaking will convert sinners. Motivational speaking will only breed church goers, without genuine conversion experience. Thanks to all the crew.


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