A Week Away | Official Trailer | Netflix

Troubled teen Will Hawkins (Kevin Quinn) has a run-in with the law that puts him at an important crossroad: go to juvenile …


  1. I hope this is really a christian movie because after many disgusting and disrespectful (to christianity )movies that Netflix has released in the past, honestly I was so done with it. FYI don't play with the name of God. Not all things needs to be joked around.

  2. Amei este filme outros iguais a este poderiam ser produzidos a fim de impactar os nossos jovens a viver com qualidade de vida e apreciar as coisas belas e mais apaixonada por estar dentro de um contexto onde direcionamos o foco ao Criador DEUS. Parabéns produção necessitamos mais destas pérolas para a vida

  3. Had thought it'd be cheesy, but I loved this movie! Great voices, dance, and songs. Thanks for excellent entertainment. Enjoyed it all! Make another one, please….

  4. As if we haven't been having enough rough times, they go an make this plot-less and pointless dribble. And yet people complain that being inclusive with gay people or the like is "pushing their agenda". No, THIS is.

    "You will be a good person and never want to commit crimes if you turn to Christianity." Yeah nah, religious people are the worst of the worst.

  5. Soooo goood!!! It’s like High School Musical meets Glee meets The Greatest Showman meets I’m guessing Camp Rock (as someone mentioned below; I’ve never seen that one). MUST WATCH whether you’re a teen or an adult!!!

  6. I'm a Christian and got to say that this is one of the most weirdest and cheesiest movies i have seen, i dont know what a musical movie is but i dont like it. Also i don't believe you should mix God with this movie, it just doesn't go together


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