Secret Agents, Big Dream, fairy tales, and of course, that pic of the week… this week on Christian Cinema Weekly.

Ryan Defrates: Secret Agent

Cafe Diego

The Fantasy Makers

The Passion: A Brickfilm

Originally posted 2021-01-07 10:43:14. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. The Passion isn’t stop-motion, though…
    It’s simply a movie made with LEGOs.
    And the example of yours, Kevin, wasn’t your best one.
    You’ve been in vids with authentic bricks, but you showed us animation.

    • Fun fact: The first one I thought of happened to be
      The first search result of “lego brick kevin mccreary”.
      It’s the classic WW2 video that Jadin Stewart made.
      (At 5:40-5:50, Kevin stars in the film’s funniest exchange.)


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