One twin survives a crime and must continue to live as her sister without revealing her true identity to anyone in “A Sister’s Secret.


  1. Boy, was I surprised by this movie. Certainly not like the cookie cutter movies that are out there. Can't believe the ending. Not sure I would have decided to go that route. Not sure I could pull it off. Wonder what the kids said?

  2. I am watching this movie trying to figure out if I should give it like or dislike believe you me it was a mistake for the two twins but in life we have to learn to forgive each other for the wrong we have caused our own self and others for ,loving her sister and put her sister into that situation how can you love your sister didn't say nothing to her ??

  3. For the ending, I don't know how the husband felt comfortable living like that afterwards. I understand it was for the kids but I could not live a lie like that. In my opinion she still could have been involved in the kids life as their Aunt and be honest with them. Good movie though!!


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