Boy, was I surprised by this movie. Certainly not like the cookie cutter movies that are out there. Can't believe the ending. Not sure I would have decided to go that route. Not sure I could pull it off. Wonder what the kids said?
I am watching this movie trying to figure out if I should give it like or dislike believe you me it was a mistake for the two twins but in life we have to learn to forgive each other for the wrong we have caused our own self and others for ,loving her sister and put her sister into that situation how can you love your sister didn't say nothing to her ??
For the ending, I don't know how the husband felt comfortable living like that afterwards. I understand it was for the kids but I could not live a lie like that. In my opinion she still could have been involved in the kids life as their Aunt and be honest with them. Good movie though!!
This was a good movie
Elizabeth planned her sister dead all along!!!
I don't think Elizabeth planned it. But what did happen should not have happened
Good Movie ?
Boy, was I surprised by this movie. Certainly not like the cookie cutter movies that are out there. Can't believe the ending. Not sure I would have decided to go that route. Not sure I could pull it off. Wonder what the kids said?
Swapping each other life for a week unbelievable ?
I love how it all turned out in the end. The twins were beautiful ppl, so sorry Callie died.
Great movie worth the watch.
Was this a true story?
Great movie and a lovely ending
I am watching this movie trying to figure out if I should give it like or dislike believe you me it was a mistake for the two twins but in life we have to learn to forgive each other for the wrong we have caused our own self and others for ,loving her sister and put her sister into that situation how can you love your sister didn't say nothing to her ??
For the ending, I don't know how the husband felt comfortable living like that afterwards. I understand it was for the kids but I could not live a lie like that. In my opinion she still could have been involved in the kids life as their Aunt and be honest with them. Good movie though!!
Very weird
Okay I was not ready for the car… Is that detective Paula Abdul??!
The parent trap on crack.
Taking the Lord's name in vain and smoking marijuana? No thanks.
You should give me your dragon forever
I'm from Atlanta, so I especially enjoy the film. What a wonderful movie.
This was a fantastic movie!!! Thank you. I give it 6 stars out of 5.
Grady was so caring and sweet.
Excellent movie
OMG what a great movie I know everyone is going to love it enjoy❤?
This movie was awesome loved how the end turned out??
Didn't know it was a true story… theyve been happily married for 20 years…. maybe more now?♀️
Honestly it was a blessing for everyone in the end
This was a really good movie. ?
unexpected plot twists and surprise ending… decent!
Didn't see that coming. Glad I didnt read the comments bc some dope probably spoiled it.
Nice movie and I like the music in the end /credits.
Excellent movie!
But why did she sleep with him though?!
I think it's weird marrying her twins husband
Good movie ?
AWESOME ? I loved it the way family can protect eachother in sooo many different ways!! ?God is soooo good ? Amen ?
Go Paula?
Mmm, Paula Abdul isn't made for acting
What’s the name of this song ?
Good movie ?
Good movie what a happy ending. ❤❤❤❤❤
Love it❤❤❤❤❤❤
old spinsters are sisters
What is this teaching, its okay to sleep with your sister's husband, and being an aunt and a step mom at the same time? This is so wrong.
This movie was good. I only wished they told the kids the truth.