A New End Time Sign JUST Appeared in Israel

A New End Time Sign JUST Appeared in Israel.


  1. What is happening in Israel should be of no surprise to anyone as it is predicted in the Bible. We know what will eventually happen now that the Euphrates is dried up and now that the armies are slowly beginning to gather around Israel (Iraq, Iran, Russia in Israel and the possibility of Saudi Arabia joining in) as predicted by God's Holy Word, The Bible and in the Book of Revelations. Armageddon is slowly but surely colescing. Inflation is on the rise (slowly but surely); the trumphet has already sounded four times (re the summer of 2017). This was mentioned on the news because everyone was in awe and frightened. This should not surprise anyone. Stay or tried to be prepared because the Lord is coming, in my opinion, much sooner than anticipated.

  2. There is a massive thing everyone is overlooking before anything can even begin to happen. The temple needs to be rebuilt and there is a mosque standing in its place. So calm down and look at what it states and not bits of it. They havnt even started the build yet u wont be seeing any return in our life time if u disagree explain, how they will build that during a war. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”


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