Is this the SEXY Christian movie we’ve all been waiting for?! Well, if you’ve been waiting for that, then maybe. Today I check out …


  1. I had a mini-panic attack a few days ago because I thought I had not seen anything from Kevin for a really long time so I went to his Youtube page to check it out. Turns out it's only been a little over a month and I realized since December, time seems to be in strange patterns of days feeling like months but going by quickly at the same time. It's weird. Regardless I look forward to this review and more from Kevin 😊😊😊

  2. I find it ironic and sad a Christian (based?) film that isn’t super corny, preachy and dull with good cinematography and creative storyline that can easily attract non-Christians (thus spark some level of curiosity subconsciously ) is being ridiculed and pissing off christians.

    Influencing a predominantly secular media is exactly what Christians should be doing. You must reach people you don’t already have. From a spiritual pov; Satanist do this all the time.

  3. Song of Solomon is pornographic, and The Notebook book and movie are from a Christian author and had sex scenes in them. I think Christians go extreme with things, they seem to think do not lust means sex scenes are evil. Do not lust means don't lust, it doesn't mean nudity or even seeing two people have sex is a sin.

  4. I saw this movie before I ever heard about the book. Tbh, had I known it was based on a Christian novel I probably wouldn't have watched the movie. I do respect everyone's right to religion but I hate that some people make a big deal out of little things like a couple of scenes involving two consenting, adult actors pretending to have sex in order to tell a story..
    The movie definitely has a religious tone to it but it isn't overboard religious..
    I liked that it gave a message of hope and a message of just how important second (or third or fourth) chances are…
    But, imo Angel is a lot more toxic than Michael realizes because
    (!Spoiler Alert!I)
    when Angel comes home and she's walking across that freshly plowed field towards Michael Hosea and looking all 'Little House on the Prairie'-ish, Hosea's dog (Maverick) didn't even react to her! No jumping for joy, no barking or whining.. Nothing! She has been away for 3 years! and Maverick just rolls his eyes like, 'Ugh this Beesh again'… And then he pretends she isn't there… If Michael had noticed this he would have sent Gomer…er…a…I mean Angel away kicking rocks! Definite deal breaker! 🙂

  5. As someone who read the book, your break-down was pretty on-point. The reason it's marketed as Christian is because the book is basically a "Christian" version of 50 Shades of Gray but where the guy is portrayed as a hero rather than an abuser, while still being an abuser.
    They make their wedding vows when she's barely conscious after he rescued her from this guy beating her up. Meaning she's not fully conscious enough and doesn't even know him well, so there's a gray consensual aspect to the story. Then later when she wakes up she's like, "Wait a minute, I don't want to be here." and he's like, "But we're MARRIED NOW. You can't leave." And he drags her back to his place by force several times, guilt-trips her, etc.
    Though I've heard he's "better" in the movie, so I don't know.
    Looking forward to your movie review.

  6. I say this with love Kevin. As a longtime fan, 17 yrs of church (both Judaism and Christianity) it hurts deeply to see you palling around with someone as hateful and cruel as Matt Walsh, and liking tweets in support of Kanye west (who has made absolutely despicable and cruel comments as well) . I hope you can be introspective and realize Gay and Trans people are not the enemy. We just want to exist free of harassment. Same goes for us Secular Jews. I will accept you ignoring or deleting this. Be well!


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