A Mother's Testimony (2001) | Full TV Movie | Kate Jackson | Chad Allen | Susan Blakely

A Mother’s Testimony (2001) Full Movie Watch @Films 4 You. When a woman’s son is released from prison she welcomes him …


  1. no. God doesn't cre ate bad people. kenny was demon possessed; not mental clinical illness. he enjoyed and relived his killing as he told it. tjis is nonfitction movie. but subject matter real. observe w/out objectivity one who acts abnormal as we know norm – RIGHT FROM WRONG. and HEAR and give some creedence unless proven unfounded when person tells you he/she HEARS VOICES IN HEAD! as sure as EVIL is real and it's touched someone we ALL know, EVIL has a name: SATAN and demons! if you believe everything has its opposite on this earth, i.e. up/down, in/out, hot/cold, sweet/sour and so forth you cannot deny that opposite ANGEL is DEVIL. read The Book, HOLY BIBLE where all answers to this world so influenced by [satan's] attack on the mind evil is written. the Holy Bible is TRUTH which its opposite is LIE. the culprit of LIES so named and also known in scripture as The Great Deceiver? SATAN! the Eradicator? JESUS CHRIST. HIs main purpose for being born to us on earth was to EXORCISE DEMONS!!! where in the Holy Bible? all 4 gospels of MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, JOHN and Romans, and throughout. satan's beginnings? found in book of GENESIS, the Holy Bible.

  2. It's about time that Mother started behaving like a mother. Mothers are more than people who bake their children cakes. Her walking away when her son was in prison and lying and trying to manipulate her was very late in the game but at last the mother grew up and began to expect more and better from her son.

  3. very good movie, and sad. When people choose to do wrong it doesnt matter whether they had good parents or not. For some reason her son chose to be bad.


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