A Lesson From Socrates That Will Change The Way You Think

Socrates 470 BC – 399 BC A classical Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy, and as being the …


  1. Nothing what so ever , stay on the surface the deeper you go the less you see . everyone has contribution , All I have come to realise is to love everything as best you can ,

  2. Hello everyone, I hope you’re having a great day so far. I know this may seem random and unrelated to the video, but I just want everyone here to know that you are greatly loved by God no matter who you are( race, gender, and etc). I also want you to know that God doesn’t hate you or seeks to cast judgement on you, rather, his thoughts towards you are good and not evil. And he doesn’t wish to strike you down nor send you to hell. He is a loving God that cares for you and is concerned for you. He wishes above all else that you may repent…… * not* of your sins, but to him. Meaning, that he wishes for you to turn ( which btw means to repent, to repent means to have a change of mind which results in a change of action of some kind) to him, by going from unbelief to belief.

    Meaning, that you must have a change of mind and choose to simply put you’re faith and trust in what Christ did for you on you’re behalf, which is the gospel, that you might or might not have heard before. That God out of his great love for you sent his only Son Jesus to take the penalty and punishment of your sins by dying for your sins on the cross. Was buried, and rose from the dead 3 days later so that you may receive eternal life and justification through him, making you righteousness and in right standing with God both now and forever. Meaning, that you are forgiven, and are made perfect in the sight of God, without condemnation, or judgement. This also means that you are no more guilty before him because Christ did what you ( and I) couldn’t, he was perfect for our behalf. We have sinned, which made us all guilty, but Jesus was perfect, and made intercession for us, and bore our sins, and even became it, so that we like I said before, would be made right with God both now and forevermore. And Heaven, will be your home, if you believe. That is all that is required of you.

    It is entirely up to you if you choose to believe or not, I’m not here to force anyone, I just wanted to share this with you all, I hope everyone who reads this comment has a great rest of the day, God bless you all!!!

  3. Alexander the great was a murderer. This video is half truth and half false. Mixing true and false is the idea of those who wish to manipulate people's minds. Socrates knew that he did know nothing. How possibly could someone who believe he knows nothing say his philosophy spread by the help of crimes of a murderer like Alexander? First he poses no philosophy at all according to himself and second: he believes in goodness gods and humanity. How could he be proud of Alexander and devil Roman's emperor?

  4. Socrates you are such a wise martyr and of course u surely need to be rewarded with free meals as you said. True wisdom is how little you know and I think the world can only be dynamic by asking Socratic questions.


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