They may be homophobic but we don’t have to be so rude to them. ○Instagram – …


  1. Those interviews are scripted. No ally would be that easy swayed. You would have to think that being gay is at least SOMEWHAT wrong doe that to have a chance of working.

    Nope. Loving a consenting adult of the same gender hurts no one and can't be construed as immoral within the parameters of consensual and adult.

  2. 7:14 it’s because sinners are just collateral damage for the righteous in christianity. Hell even the righteous are just collateral damage for the righteous. God apparently had Lazarus die of a horrible illness for no other reason than so that he could be brought back to life, because human suffering and trauma doesn’t matter if it can help Jesus prove a point. God’s list of Omni’s aren’t necessarily a paradox if he gets to define omnibenevolent, omnipresent, etc.

  3. Dear teenage son:

    Making you homeless at 15 is actually really loving, because I’m saving your soul!

    Damn, it’s crazy how easily their thought processes can cross into Carrie’s mom territory.

    For those who don’t get that reference, watch the original Carrie (1975).

  4. I think God knows and sees everything but sees the possibility of what can be done. That being said, being homophobic is idiotic and shows that you don't care about the word of God, you just wanna feel superior to others.

  5. I actually watched the movie 🎦 to see what you’re talking about and of course I was offended because I’m a gay man and also it’s just weird really like I can’t believe this movie exists

  6. I love your commentary!!! The Popeye joke was delightful 🤣Like I totally agree in the scene where he's texting his coworker, like it would have made so much sense if he, idk, called his parents first but they didn't pick up so THEN he reaches out to her? It's small things like that which can make a difference logically but also since this is a homophobic film I don't know why I would expect things like FACTS AND LOGIC 🥴 Subscribed and I look forward to watching more videos!! I love the idea of the scriptwriter/director/etc actually being queer or an ally and sneaking their legit beliefs into the film, just trying to get homophobes' money bc they need the bag but giving the queer characters all the good, logical, and sympathetic lines LOL

  7. The worst part about it is that if you actually believe that being gay send you to hell, then the right thing to do would be to be homophobic because hell is infinitely worse than people thinking you’re rude. So the only way to solve this is to get rid of the belief that homosexuality is a sin, but that would mean asking people to admit that the Bible isn’t perfect… which is gonna be hard

  8. This is why I've moved on from Christianity as a religion. I see it entirely as faith, as a relationship with Jesus, who said some really cool stuff. Religion is about rules, faith is about a relationship. I try not to worry myself with rules that were written thhousands of years ago in ancient languages with ancient writing in totally different contexts that we can only guess at today.


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