A Holiday Homecoming โ€“ The residents of Hope, NY come to the aid of displaced foster children after St. Jeromeโ€™s Home for โ€ฆ


  1. I hope the kid actors playing Abigail and David keep up their craft; they're actually more natural than some of the adult actors, to me. Plus I love Candice Cain Christmas movies! โ˜บ๏ธ Thanks for the upload ๐Ÿ™

  2. Love that they tell the stats of how many children are waiting on forever homes in the USA. Someone needs to email Omar Demonrat since she says just open the border and let everyone in and we will just put the children in foster homes. Idiot! Sorry but seriously some stupid and dangerous people out there. Love the faith and the message. Great upload too. Thank You!

  3. I like the show it was good. But they should have let them have the party and then let him have Christmas and stop there. This is my opinion. They all were good actors and actresses. It tug up my heart strings. Take care and God bless.

  4. I guess in America is poplular the attitude the older somebody the worse.REaly thought they got a bit aweful about that 45 years old part.Also that whole energy stuff,but who is waking up soon and then doing work till middnight or housework when kids are sleeping,usually mummyes isnt it


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