1. If you still think this prosperity message is the gospel of Christ and His faithful apostles, then you're ignorant and deceived. You have played right into Satan's devices and have rejected the Truth.

    Beware that the Lord God does not allow you to God on believing this false gospel of the Oyedepos, Oyakhilomes, Ibiyeomis, Adeboyes and such like…to the damning of your souls.

    Relearn Christ abd unlearn these dacades of falsehood. Is this the gospel that can save an already rich man or aristocrat?

    I pray we all get to the point where we realize that Christ came for more important issues that dont border on the comfort of our flesh.

    False gospels is the reason sin still has dominion over multitudes of professing believers in Nigeria…hence the continued corruption everywhere.

    Repent and seek the true gospel of Christ that makes us partakers of Christ's nature experientially. This gospel of Oyedepo births greed and covetousness…not contentment…

    Anyway, those with ears to hear will hear…and seek the truth.

  2. One thing most believers don’t know is that when you sit and gossip one another you are killing them with words. Our words are very creative that is why when we say things most times they come to pass whether positive or negative. Everyday am speaking over my life I make sure I counter any negative word spoken over me knowingly or unknowingly

  3. Mr Bishop Sir your were not being persecuted, but rather sharply rebuked by a dear friend who cares very much for your soul not to burn in hell. Sir You said that the words that were spoken to u were like arrows to your flesh, YES capital Yes. Sir do you know why those words were
    Offensive to your flesh?? Because you like your father Kenneth Copeland in the USA are preachers of the flesh. Since you are in the flesh, you take correction as persecution. When people are trying to correct you see it as judgement. See when you are carnal preacher the EGO in your flesh is easily hurt. When you said your friend almost killed you, you meant he hurt your feelings, since your EGO was brought down low. When you are told the bitter truth about your wrong ways your ego often get bruised. Thank God Sir for this your friend who told what you did not want to hear.

  4. God bless the friend for not being bias. He is absolutely right.

    There is nothing like the gospel of prosperity. It's a mechanism designed to keep gullible people under the shackles of god of men with great vocal prowess

  5. 1 Timothy 6:3-6
    [3]If anyone teaches otherwise and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching,
    [4]they are conceited and understand nothing. They have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions
    [5]and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and WHO THINK THAT GODLINESS IS A MEANS to FINANCIAL GAIN.
    [6]But godliness with contentment is great gain.

  6. This comment section shows the high level of ignorance of African Christians, SO YOU ALL THINK HIS BEING WEALTHY IS PROOF THAT HE IS ON THE RIGHT TRACK, Imagine a confession of this magnitude and y'all still missed the point… It's sad that since the 80's, someone already told him the truth that far back and he still stuck with it… and y'all are glorifying the ignorance… why did u think he was pierced by the words? IT'S BCOS DEEP DOWN IT WAS A MESSAGE THAT SHOULD HAVE CONVICTED HIM BUT IT FELL ON THE PART OF HIS HEART LIKE JESUS DESCRIBED THAT COULDN'T GET ROOT IN HIS HEART, HE BATTLED IT TILL HE DISCARDED IT… SO SAD


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