A Demon Manifested At The Asbury Revival! Is This Ok?!

A demon manifested at the Asbury Revival! Listen to Daniel’s thoughts on it! #AsburyRevival #Demon #Revival …


  1. I attended the outpouring in Toronto Airport numerous times over a few years and didn’t see any manifestations of demons. I’m not trying to be disrespectful, I’m wondering why it was just Holy Spirit manifestations?

  2. GOD bless GODS’ Righteous children and spreading his message! GOD very soon brings his Light and overshadows the darkness we have in this World! Satan forever and always loses ! GOD is about to change the World and the Evil and the Wicked will receive GODS’ judgement! GOD is a loving merciful GOD and also a Judge! GOD will bless all his children and his Glory is soon to be seen ! Hallelujah! Praise and thanks and Glory be to GOD in Jesus Mighty name 🙏❤️🙏

  3. My daughter usually jokes that I say lengthy prayers. She says it appears that I pray for the 7B people in the world. I'm guilty as charged. We need to pray for one another since I feel the end times is here. Years ago, I dreamt I was standing on the street and when I looked up I saw a white square clock and a white wrist watch standing side by side, both gigantic in size and both almost or touching the clouds. I felt dread and awe at this majestic sight. Time is running out for all of us.

    There have been times I left the Father's side, following my own stubborn sinful nature but He has always been faithful, always patient and gentle with me. I can't thank Him enough for loving me

  4. Glory Glory Glory 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼…God willing, Some of our Assembly of God Church people from Galax, Va. are going to this Revival…Praise God For Deliverance!

  5. False revival.folks.. revival only comes out of judgement and persecution, don't be decieved by wolves in sheep's clothing body of christ! revival will come from small groups praying and teaching. Many seek the signs and wonders and think it's christ it's not! Many false revivals will take place during the tribulation period. The demons know how to manifest as angels of light and decieve the body of christ. when sin is accepted and condoned but no repentance how is that revival. the waving of hands the singing of songs, that aint revival. when gods glory falls no one is left standing. where there is singing there should be weeping.if u want revival seek him in your quiet place. if u want to sing and wave your arms seek him your quiet place. there he will come to you and revive your spirit. many have been put to sleep by milky sermons. do not be decieved.

  6. Hallelujah 🙌🏼 the Holy Spirit of GOD casted a demon out from a woman!! I pray that someone filled with the Holy Spirit also knew how to deal with that demon once it was out. Oftentimes a delivered demonic spirit will leave one body and attach to another, especially in a larger crowd of people.

  7. Revival is necessary, but repentance must follow. A holy life comes from the holy book, holy days, not the Christ mass or the new year, according to man’s calendar, but using our fathers calendar. Living a Holy life is one where the truth is the most important thing, because the deceiver always has a counter fit, like Sunday, instead of Sabbath, which is the fourth commandment.

  8. Can anyone show me in the Bible where it states that at the end times (which started in Jesus day) declares there will be a "great awakening"?… (which I believe you meant to say at the tribulation or time of judgement)..

  9. Man, I wouldn’t be surprised if this lady was a plant sent there to promote this fake deliverance ministry.
    I mean what a coincidence that the moment a demon decides to “manifest” itself that one of their members would just happen to be there.
    I’ve never read anywhere in the Bible where demons were cast out of a person in the over the top way these so called charismatic deliverance ministries do it. I mean they’ll sit there and have whole conversations with these so called demons first and then practically beg and plead with them for a good while before the demon supposedly comes out. The same thing goes for their false interpretation of speaking in tongues. They babble gibberish nonsense and call that speaking in tongues when it’s not even biblically accurate and why would a person possessed by a demon go to a Jesus revival anyways? If the demon is possessing them then the demon would be in control of their actions, possession does imply ownership after all. In there false spiritual arrogance these charismatics believe that they’re the only ones that are spiritual enough to cast out demons. If these people really came face to face with a real demon they’d probably run away in fear with the back of their pants stained brown.
    Their fake deliverance ministry brings to mind Acts 19:15-17.
    If a true believer in Christ is under the power of the Holy Spirit then all they have to say is “I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out” and the demon will flee and the demon flees because of the power of Christ not because of some big dramatic performance put on by the person cast out the demon. (Acts16:18)

  10. You are absolutely right on with your assessment. Quite frankly I am surprised that more demons have not manifested since the start of the revival. The officials of the college need to let the Holy Spirit move as he wants to. Revivals end as people stand in the way of what God wants to do and try to take control for themselves.

  11. Oh so you are going to play God here and think you know what happened here? So much arrogance!! There's plenty of other reasons why this woman could be screaming. Grow up!!

  12. Thanks for explaining this. I would have thought it was just an offended liberal. Bad joke. It is time to rise up, all people, and shine the light outward to all corners of the dark. The evil knows the end of the story and they can not win.

  13. Could be a demonic possession…. I got diagnosed with malignant brain tumor and had really bad seizure… Had successful surgery but the tumor which has always been a small tumor has slightly grown again and I'm on chemo pills.

  14. I hope this revival breaks down the Pharisee spirit in Christians that tries to criticize every move of God. I’m from here in Kentucky. This revival is legit and powerful. People crying out for repentance, marriages being restored, relationships being restored. No MAN getting glory. No denomination getting glory. Just Jesus. They way church should be

  15. Oh surprise, surprise; it was only a matter of time. It means the very Presence of God is there. Deliverance is part of healing and salvation. Azusa Street attracted every demon-possessed person for hundreds of miles. And the Presence of God was so thick that the children used to play hide-and-seek in it. Read Frank Bartleman’s account!

  16. The preacher already knew it was coming the demons does Satan will attack that church in any Christians right now I pray to God every day I think every day for waking me up I pray to God at night before I go to sleep and I want to go to this place because it's spiritual God is making his last cause and I hope people really believe this is going on and yes more is coming

  17. I really truly want to go to that revival Lisa day. Cuz you could feel God's love anywhere but you know Jesus is there right now and I want to be closest to Jesus as I could get I was being attacked in my sleep where are you sad to call out the God now that's why I say prayers before I go to sleep till Jesus please keep the evilness away from me while I'm sleeping

  18. Is it OK? If Jesus cleared his gatherings of demons inhibiting humans, by all means now when they are co-opting record industry awards to make unknowing people witness satanic rites. Its good that its a Methodist church that did not follow the new direction. Its best that the pentacostal organizations and media stay out of this. One true believer will always be there. We all remember Lakeland.

  19. If people were to learn from Azusa Street Ministry in 1906 how the powerful move of God came down everyone confessed their sins they were all in one accord and the fire came down from heaven and those that amputated body parts miraculously witnessed body parts growing out

  20. There is coming a day.. when unusual things will be seeked out. No more, playing church in many parts of the globe. The Holy Spirit will be in charge, not the board member's of the churches. Big changes are coming to the body of christ. I say, either get into the flow of the Holy Spirit or stand on the side lines, with your religious spirits and don't stop the flow of the Holy Spirit. This is liken unto, the days of the 12 Apostle's. This move, will become more and more, the more the church leader's, try to stop this move of the Holy Spirit, more prevalent the movement of the Holy Spirit will be. NO ONE, can STOP THIS!

  21. Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’


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