How can you make your heart right with God? Listen to this 1989 Billy Graham sermon preached from Syracuse, New York, as he โ€ฆ


  1. Urgent emergency please join me in prayer for all those affected families children animals massive devastation suffering hurting all around the world having all medical problems having difficult situations paying rent bills evictions homeless hungry alcoholism drugs prayer for the lost to get saved facing all difficult situations fighting to survive keep the faith God will show you the way in the end we will be victorious with the Lord praise God praying for everyone Everyday God bless you allโ€ฆ.

  2. Bless the Lord ,
    O , my soul :

    I Will , bless the Lord , God , Almighty , Lord ,
    Jeโ€™sus Christ , our Lord ,
    His , grace and mercy , endureth , forever !

    The Lord , never get tired , of sending message : speak by the
    HolyGhost , unto
    Billy Graham , the Lord
    servant :

    What shall we say , about this things !
    Our Lord Jeโ€™sus Christ , is calling , and calling , to come , unto Him :


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