A Cowgirl's Story

Dusty Rhodes (Bailee Madison) & her grandfather (Pat Boone) rely on their faith & each other while her parents serve in the …


  1. I’m paying for my mistake I made threats to have 3 people killed innocent people now I’m sitting at home can’t go back to place I working at I try to convince the boss man let me come come if he does that he has a feeling I pull same thing again

  2. Pat Boone was on tv commercial first time seeing him in movie and horse has bacteria infection but medication clear it up them boys telling that Muslim girl go home because they think she had something to do with 9/11 she’s not American

  3. Crying like a baby here. I soooo LOVE movies with happy endings.
    These days way too many people are completely void of pride: pride of their country, their flag, their community and… Vets and military personnel. They even dare to brand Patriotism as something dirty and unwanted. Shame on them. May God bless all Patriots. Jesus is LORD!

  4. Oh, puh-leeze! You didn't think we'd notice the differences in costumes & horse colors?!? Geez, nobody is that stupid…She's grooming a black, she mounts up on a bay w/ a star. The line-up is all bays & chestnuts, & suddenly there's a bunch of Paints. The don't have chaps on, then they do. You need WA-AY better wranglers, managers, whoever they are. I'm available to help you out if you want to make fewer screw-ups in the future…

  5. To everyone who is transferred or has fought in Afghanistan, we as the people support and honor all the brave men and women, and we put our hats and hands over our hearts and look at the Texas and the United States flag and say our anthem with pride, God let the soldiers who died for us be honored and never forgotten and let those who are fighting give them hope and good luck with the star that shines the brightest over your dark blue skies, and let this movie be in honor of everything texas stands for, amen🙏❤

  6. I’m probably gonna love this movie, saying I’m an 11 year old horse-crazy Christian. ( I’m rarely around horses, I get through horse books SO FAST like 400 pages takes me 2 days and with movies I’ve almost watched them all ) Looks like a great movie for me! Edit: I lost it. The mom came home and I just screamed of sorrow and happiness, both at the same time. It’s an amazing movie, but you WILL shed tears. If you don’t like sudden sadness in movies, and sudden tears, I don’t recommend it BUT, there’s a but. It’s an AMAZING movie, and I definitely cried a lot, not just over the movie. People died for us, lost each other, lost loved ones, sons, daughters, parents, siblings, best friends, all for us, so we could have freedom and be happy. I’m a woman but I hope I can do it someday too. Everyone now takes Veterans Day as a day off school, a day off work. They don’t realize what it means. We just threw our freedom away. We took it for granted, now look around us. We suck. We’re ignorant, self revolving, mentally ill. It actually shatters my heart in millions of pieces that so many people risked their lives for us, and then just a few years later the kids say “oh yay a day off school! Let’s go play games and watch movies all day!” I’m 11, and just a few years ago I thought that way. I started to not think that entirely, and now I truly realize what it means, what they did, what my elders did, and not just in Afghanistan. I don’t think I’m ever gonna play games and watch useless movies in Veterans Day anymore. I’ll spend it praying, thinking about what they did, reading the Bible, thinking about how I can be more like them and God, and oh so much less like me. I’m not even a quarter as good as God, and not even half as good as the Veterans. I have so much respect for them now. They went through SO MUCH, and some of them are now seeing it all fall apart like quick sand, and watch the world crumble it into the dirt, like it never happened. Thank you for this movie, it changed me. ✨❤️

  7. This movie shows the fallout of war crimes in the Middle East. Since 9/11 we have spent (conservatively) $250 million /day on a series of idiotic wars which have destabilized the Middle East , killed God only knows how many thousands of civilians, and inundated Europe with refugees escaping the mess we created.


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