What is wokeism and how should Christians respond, or should they? Join Kingdom of God Ministry & Missions for a live …


  1. You know the Clothing Stores have words written on their clothes DECEIVING Those who are still ASLEEP and NOT AWAKE about their surroundings and who is in control , take for instance a pair of PJ’S with the words written on them with a saying : Don’t Wake Me Up !! Words have meanings which in this case the Elites push such things to keep peoples Asleep so they cannot HEAR the TRUTH , I mean once one has WOKEN UP from their old selves it seems one can see CLEARLY just how this world has been LIED TO & what is going on behind our backs ! We are Definitely living a falling world that NEEDS to be CLEANED UP !! We are AWAITING the Great Day of the RETURN of Christ ! Thanks for bringing this to the table Tracy , Alane and Lori Jane ! It’s a TYPE OF BRAINWASHING GOING THROUGHOUT the world ! This is why We Need to WAKE ALL PEOPLES UP ! It’s to bad that the PEOPLES Around the world are FED and BRAINWASHED through MEDIA , through Tel-a-Lie-Vision TV , Radio , Music , Billboards , Schools , Churches , Phones & the LISTS GOES ON ! This is why Preaching the Words of God is Most Important especially in this Day & Age ! We NEED TO PRAY FOR EVERYONE TO BECOME AWAKE IN JESUS CHRIST NAME !! Great Topic ! ❤


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