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  1. Very wise indeed. But not all depression is directly caused by things we have done. It's a favorite tool of Satan, In my experience. How wonderful it is to know the Shepherd is never closer than when His own are troubled. He just waits for us to reach up.

  2. I needed this. I need to quit seeking out people and go back to God. Can’t wait to hear his voice and see his face. This was much needed. I’ve much spiritually. Which is why I’m in the cold hearted state I’m in. It is self inflicted. I hope others in the body of Christ are in much better shape than I.

  3. And this is precisely why we cannot even fathom one english word that could possibly explain our state…not depression as any man may have known it, but the dark night of the soul. This marking my 20th year in it. There is no love of God as such. Maranatha

  4. I’ve been chastised…I can’t even describe, except perhaps dead inside?. Feelings as if one can loose their salvation. I couldn’t ❤cry or laugh etc. … When God tells you to stop, one better listen. I learned my lesson, and I’m grateful ❤
    Never Take what Jesus did on the cross for granted. With Continued Sin as a Christian Comes Consequences , if truly saved. I’m so thankful for His Grace – His Mercy- His Everlasting Love and Forgiveness ❤ ( I think I put this in the wrong sermon) Still, may it help one if needed .


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