Donation appreciated. God Bless You. CashApp= $Boofitts Evangelist AA Allen conducts water baptism of hundreds of people in …


  1. Obey John 3:1-8 and Acts 2:38 in order to obtain your initial salvation. That's how the church started in Jerusalem and continued. That's how the first gentile and his family got saved. Read Acts 10.

  2. Baptism doth now save us 1Peter 3:21. One CANNOT be saved outside of repentance, baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for remission of sins, Acts 2:38 and receiving the infillingg of the Holy Ghost, then going on to live a righteous godly and sober life in this present world Titus 2:2. That's what the Bible says. Read it again. NO man can change that. Repentance alone does not make one born agsin. Where is the water and the Spirit that Jesus told Nicodemus was necessary for him to be born again? Why does any well meaning person want to circumvent God's word? We ought to SEARCH the Scriptures for in them is life eternal. Only one way to be saved, friend. Why live your whole life and end up in a devil's hell bcuz you refused to obey God's word and obeyed man's instead. If you are sincere and humble you will pray and ask God to show you the truth of His word. God bless you.

  3. Matthew 28:19. There is no remission in that scripture. Only Acts 2:38 has remission. The book of hebrews tells us without the shedding of blood there is no remission. John Baptist preached remission of sin. Jesus Christ also and Peter on the day of Pentecost


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