A. A. Allen: FBI Record De-Classified!!!

In 1965, the FBI’s Legal Attaché in London opened an investigation into A. A. Allen’s fraudulent claims in his healing revivals.


  1. Great video. I recently stumbled across a dissertation from 1980, on the internet, called: Charismatic Communication and Faith Healers: A critical Study of Rhetorical Behavior. It was written by a Todd Vernon Lewis and is stored at Louisiana State University. It can be searched online. I found it fascinating as it was a breakdown of the "tricks" used by faith healers with a deeper focus on 3 of them – Kathryn Kuhlman, A.A. Allen and Amy Semple McPherson.

  2. Have you ever heard the story about William Branham vs the with doctors? The one where he is challenged by them to bring down a floating table which they are upholding using witchcraft. Then, William Branham says certain words and the table comes crashing down. It’s strange, I’ve heard the story in sermons but I can’t seem to find anything online about it.

  3. John, you're breaking my heart, but don't stop digging up the truth. One thing that I liked about Allen is his insistence on having integrated meetings. I have lost a lot of "heroes" in the last 10 months since I read your book, which toppled my admiration for "prophet" Branham, but truth is paramount. Truth liberates and brings light, but lies bind and perpetuate darkness.
    I am still believe in the work of the Holy Spirit to do the things that the scriptures state that he does, including bringing conviction and regeneration to people. He also still heals, as I know that you still believe, as well as the other gifts and manifestations listed in 1 Corinthians 12-14.
    The dog and pony shows that have been put on display need to continue to be examined and scrutinized more closely than many of us have. I am thankful that you and your friends, Charles Paisley, in particular, continue to do that! I don't appreciate the criticism leveled towards Charles because of so of his grammatical errors. Charles is obviously a very intelligent man, and those little verbal quirks, IMO, make him seem more approachable, folksy, and down to earth!

  4. That is interesting and sad. I only knew about a single DUI and that Allen had been an alcoholic prior to becoming a Christian.

    Did the coroner actually commit suicide? That would be weird.

  5. I remember debating with a bunch of folks on an internet board back 24 years ago how fraudulent this guy was. They would defend him tooth and nail no matter what, yet at the same time condemning me because in passing I said I wanted to make it clear I wasn’t condemning all alcohol use, only drunkenness.

  6. I still think Shambach is the greatest Ranter preacher in church history. Much better than A. A.Allen. That growling voice…preachers are Didactic, Orators, Ranters and Ramblers, Branham was a rambler, lots of content, medium speed, and no organization. A Allen was a ranter, Most Baptists are Orators 3 stories a joke and a gushy finish. Rick Joyner is a classic Rambler. Just whatever pops in his head..

  7. I just found out about the Miracle Valley Shootout. It is indirectly related to AA Allen, it happened after he died, on the property where his Bible College was, back in tbe 80s. I watched a YouTube video about it. Crazy! And whoever wrotee the Wikipedia article about Allen was definitely a fan. The person went into this long, convoluted explanation about what really killed Allen, and according to this, it was not alcoholism!.


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